Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Movie Alexander - 1164 Words

The film, Alexander, is a historic drama about Alexander the Great, who became legendary for his military prowess. Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian general, narrates throughout the film. Moments of Alexander’s childhood was shown, such as his difficult relationship with his mother, Olympias, and his father, King Philip II of Macedon. After Alexander became King of Macedonia, he sets out to conquer the Persian Empire. He continued his eight-year campaign across East Asia, before returning home to Babylon. In the film, Alexander struggled to convince his army to continue to follow him across Asia. It was after the Battle of Hydaspes in India that encouraged Alexander to return home. The film also showed Alexander’s private relationships with†¦show more content†¦In addition, stone statues were depicted in the film as well. For example, many stone headed statues were displayed on top of pillars when the scene focused on Ptolemy I Soter narrating. Vases were presented in the film too. The artwork on vases showed past historic events. Furthermore, religion was referred a lot in the film. Hellenism was brought up in the film. For example, Olympias was surrounded with snakes in her room. There are scenes where Olympias had snakes wrapped around her leg. This represents that she was a follower of the god, Dionysius, whose rituals involved snakes coiling themselves around human bodies. Moreover, there were references to Greek gods and goddesses. For example, Olympias told Alexander that his real father was Zeus, and he had no blood relation to King Philip II. Additionally, Alexander (2004) presented several examples of a woman’s status in ancient times. Women are portrayed as child-bearers. In the a scene, King Philip II said to Alexander that he can marry as many wives as he want, so he can have as many sons. Also, women are not schooled, but stayed at home. For example, no girls were seen when Aristotle was teaching young Alexander and other boys about ethics and politics. Geography was also depicted in the film. There was various transportations that included horses, camels, and elephants. Horses were used to travel, and camels and elephants

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Sino-African win-win Policy under the One Belt One Road Free Essays

Literature review: Sino-African win-win Policy under the One Belt One Road initiative: Who invests more wins more? ABSTRACT: Purpose – The main objective of this review is to assess thoroughly the Sino-African relations across time and now the newly introduced â€Å"One Belt One Road† (OBOR) initiative especially the contribution to academic literature. The focus is on the major events that marked the story of Africa since China developed an interest until the new OBOR initiative and the conclusion highlights the importance on the study by comparing and contrasting the different perspectives in previous literature. Approach – We considered an integrated and comprehensive literature based on a qualitative approach, we performed a content analysis of highly relevant and impactful papers. We will write a custom essay sample on Sino-African win-win Policy under the One Belt One Road or any similar topic only for you Order Now Findings – In this paper, we analyze usually controversial issues and express our viewpoints to conclude. However, the controversies remain a hot topic for further research works to be handled with different methodologies and new theoretical approach. Implicit assumptions may always exist in terms of a quantitative assessment of the benefits from the China-Africa relations. Major differences in narratives exist between Western and Southern stakeholders. Limitations and Implications – The conclusions from the work could be supported by additional research by considering a wider scope of the analysis. To give more clarifications to the empirical findings, more works needed to be done using quantitative data and qualitative evidence that extend beyond the usual economic and geographical limits as well as the socio-political limits. Value – This paper reviews decades of research on China in Africa and presents a snapshot of the recent OBOR initiative. It further draws attention to the necessity for subsequent literature to explore new methods of analysis for better understanding of the China-Africa relations and the role each part plays to the sustainability of this cooperation. Keywords: Africa, China, relationship, One Belt One Road. How to cite Sino-African win-win Policy under the One Belt One Road, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Recycling of Building Material Waste-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Recycling of building material waste during demolition. Answer: Introduction Research background The impact of recycling efforts on the demolition becomes important for having several advantages such as reducing tippage and associated freight charges and reduction of landfill space needed for concrete debris. Construction and demolition waste is considered as central element of solid waste stream. It is amounting to nearly 25% of total solid waste nationally (Gomathi and Pradeep 2017). On the other hand, there are 70% of construction and demolition material before recycling encompassed. With the pressure of land fields continuing to mount, the diversion of materials and concrete remain a significant area of interest to the policymakers. Hence, it is important to evaluate recycling of building material waste during demolition. Research questions The research questions can be listed as followed. What are the benefits of recycling of building material waste during demolition? What is the best suited building materials used during demolition? What is the best demolition practices for future? Research aim The research aims to development of framework to improve recycling practices of construction/ demolition waste. Research objectives The research objectives are followed. To develop framework to improve recycling practices of construction/ demolition waste To critically analyze the advantages of recycling and reused of demolished building materials To identify the materials best suited for reuse or recycle To recommend best practices for demolition in future Research scope and boundaries The research will be helpful to identify the best demolition practices by using solid waste management technique. It can minimize overall building project expenses by avoiding purchase or disposal costs along with donation of recovered materials to the qualified charities. In addition, the research will be helpful for being used as secondary sources of the study. Research Methodology Selection of methodological tools is useful for conduction of the research in proper way. Below are the selections of methodological tools to frame effective research methodology for the research. Research philosophy: Lewis (2015) stated that positivism, interpritivism and realism are the types of research philosophy. It is a belief about the ways in which data regarding a phenomenon need to be collected, analyzed as well as used. In the research, positivism philosophy is selected as it is helpful in the present context and assists in better analysis of the hidden facts along with information regarding recycling of building material waste during demolition. Moreover, it assists in generation proper results by reducing errors in the research. Research approach: Selection of appropriate research approach is helpful to revealing the format of the research. A research topic is undertaken for studying into two broader ways like inductive and deductive research approach (Vaioleti 2016). In the current context, deductive research is followed as theories and information related to recycling of building material waste during demolition are analyzed in the research. On the other hand, as the aim of the study is not inducing theory and model related to the research topic, inductive approach is discarded in the current research. Research design: Research design assists in describing the research framework, which will be helpful for selecting the analysis pattern of the research. Descriptive, exploratory and explanatory research design are the types of research designs selected in academic research. In the present case, descriptive research design is used for defining detailed procedure engaged in the application of recycling of building material waste during demolition. Data collection and analysis There are two types of data collection used in research such as primary data collection and secondary data collection. In the present research, secondary data collection method is followed for collecting data for the research. The sources like books, journals, websites and books are used as secondary data sources. Qualitative data analysis method is followed for analyzing data gathered related to recycling of building material waste during demolition. Research diagram Literature review Overview of waste and its recycling There are several definitions of waste used across the globe. As per the Swedish Ordinance of waste, it is composed of combustible waste, organic waste as well as hazardous waste (Kjeldsen 2016). It is also referred as any object or substance discarded or intended by the holder. In other words, waste is generally unwanted materials realized after completion of a particular procedure (Arulrajah et al. 2016). It may include packaging as well as additional materials among the process. The EU Waste directive came into act in 2008 aimed to achieve greater resource efficiency (Vegas et al. 2015). It is designed in order to assist the member states promoting better resource use as well as turn minimization of environmental impact. The hierarchy of waste can be listed as figured. Figure 1: The hierarchy of waste (Source: Gastaldi et al. 2015, p.30) The best way for waste reduction is making behavior change as well as achieved by effective design as well as generating products (Weiler et al. 2017) Recycling materials is referred as transforming waste into new products during recovery entails the utilization of waste in order to produce energy. Construction and demolition waste The process of recycling can minimize pressures on land considered as one of the big requirements in order to set up landfills. In this perspective, energy required for incineration is cutting through recycling strategies (Wang et al. 2018). Reuse of materials after the process of demolition takes immediate effect as well as equitable reuse affected by the method employed at the time of demolition. Drivers and barriers CD waste recycling is influenced by multiple factors. Perception of public as well as acceptance is varied among several stakeholders. For an example, one of the major barriers to the process of recycling reduce land filling. The factors for increasing legislation and EU recovery is targeted where the EU recovery targets prefer recycling of high density waste types during the latest impact on the environment (Ossa et al. 2016). However, they do not consider as the most sustainable recovery operations. The resources are required for supervision through authorities limitation. Data on CDW are generated for reuse and inadequate. Thus, collection of data as well as challenging new methods applied in the process. The stakeholders lead to face several challenges for waste management and prevention varies in waste prevention program. However, lack of quality control guidelines as well as data on technical properties of waste is lacking (Wu et al. 2014). The regional aspects of waste are spa rsely populated with the regions and generally worthy for the advanced recycling process. Development of framework to improve recycling practices of construction/ demolition waste Construction and demolition waste occupies as the latest share of overall waste generation in several countries. On the other hand, waste management practices as well as outcome may be differed in various countries. It is important to develop effective framework that will be helpful to enhance recycling practices of construction or demolition waste (Gomathi and Pradeep 2017). The main of the strategy is to develop community-based approach to enhance recycling practices of construction waste. By encouraging responsibility of producer of waste, a grater option of the land filling water waste. It generally ends up at the dumpsites, which can be recovered efficiently at low cost (Martnez et al. 2016). The program will be helpful to seek functionalized and a multi-stakeholder return and buy back system. In addition, the process will be helpful to facilitate the process of collection as well as return for the process of recycling. It normally finds the way into the environment. The concept s of the program are described as follow. Setting goals of the recovery system There are multiple ways of deploying a recovery system in order to achieve desirable goal (Kjeldsen 2016). However, the major goal is increasing collection as well as recycling of waste of the products after construction and encourage producers to be more environmentally responsible. Collection methods It is a system where deposits of construction materials will be recycled during handing in the utilized product. The customer receives financial composition when it is returning a discarded product that can correspond to a particular deposit paid. Natural systems have real value of the container that induces the producers for recovering them (Vegas et al. 2015). In addition, the refunds on the particular products need to be high so that it will assist to motivate for own purposes (Xi et al. 2016). Deposit refund systems have several examples seen as the best solution during very high collection rates desired. Several traditional deposit fund systems for recycling of construction waste are required to lead 100% rate of return. Kerbside collection system In the system, the discarded products are usually collected in close proximity to the customers similar to the way that are collected. However, the large-scale kerbside collection system is a Germen packaging system that has high rates of collection in the system. On the other hand, it is important for the consumers to consider dropping of construction waste at the points of collection (Wu et al. 2016). However, these are convenient as well as easy access in order to encourage maximum collection. Bring system It is the system where customers are usually expected for bringing down the discarded products to container that is required to be placed in shorter or longer distance from the place of construction. The systems include drop-off centers as well as recycling stations among different things (Rashid and Yusoff 2015). The packaging waste collection is required to organize that in mainly relied on the customers in order to bring the discarded products to the containers. These are distributed in several parts of the cities (Lockrey et al. 2016). In addition, the collection results are generally mixed. However, the system needs to be used for recovering waste. Implementation of the process The extended producer responsibility is a strategy designed for promoting the process of integration of the environmental costs related to the products throughout the life cycle into the market price of the products (Silva et al. 2016). However, there is several numbers of instruments used for shifting responsibility in order to manage products as well as packaging waste from the government along with taxpayer to the producers as well as consumers (Weiler et al. 2017). It includes regulatory instruments like mandatory take-back schemes and minimum recycled standards for content. In addition, materials as well as products bans and restrictions are included in the process. . Current status of waste generation The past building materials associated with construction and demolition waste generation in the high-rise construction buildings (Gastaldi et al. 2015). There are four categories of waste analyzed namely as residential construction, residential demolition, non-residential construction as well as non-residential demolition. The average rates of generating waste from residential construction as well as non-residential construction have been estimated as 56.23 kg/m2 and 30.47 kg/m2. In 2005, there is 1,675,675 m2 of the residential building as well as 1,135,161 m2 of non-residential construction waste were produced in 2005 (Gmez-Meijide et al. 2016). However, the average generation rate of waste from residential demolition has been estimated as 984.66 kg/m2 and 1803.94 kg/m2 (Silva et al. 2014). However, there is no record of permitting demolition. The total amount of waste used in building related construction as well as demolition waste was produced. There is no agency is directly res ponsible for the process of date collection in order to estimate waste. The building permits data collected with the help of National Statistics Office in 2014. Practices followed in recycling the building waste Builders, teams of construction as well as design practioners have ability to divert construction as well as demolition materials from disposal though buying used as well as recycled products. Practicing source minimization and preserving the existing structures and salvaging the existing materials are also included in it. Designing the process of building in order to support adaption, reuse as well as disassembly can minimize waste along with extend the useful life (Sabai et al. 2014). It provides economic as well as environmental analysis for the owners and occupants. By designing for the process of adaptability can design the practioners as finding new scopes in the process of design. The strategies for using the designing adaptability, disassembly as well as reuse consist of the following things. Development of adoption or making disassembly plan with the help of key information materials, structural properties along with repairing access and contact information need to be achieved. Use of simple open-span structural systems along with modular building elements assemblies is included in the strategies. On the other hand, uses of durable materials, which are worth in the form of recovering for the purpose of reuse are the effective strategies. Reducing the use of distinctive types of materials along with developing connection is visible as well as accessible (Wu et al. 2016). Utilization of mechanical fasteners like bolts, screws as well as nails can be helpful for sealants as well as adhesive. It is important to plan for movement as well as safety of the workers in order to allow for adapting safe building, repair as well as disassembly. Barriers of recycling Building as well as construction materials are major issue causing important environmental impact. Most of the people in industry do not consider construction and demolition materials. On the other hand, Australian State Government regulations for environment are seen as working against the process of recycling. The workshops are resulted in the process of making discussions regarding the potential solutions that are put by the participants. There is also lack of knowledge regarding the thing that can be recycled regarding the opportunities of recycling. Contamination of the recyclables due to lack of making separation is one of the major barriers. In addition, lack of markets for recycling the materials are the obstacles for recycling construction waste. The cost of recycling procedure makes products expensive compared to virgin materials (Wu et al. 2016). Apart from these, designing deconstruction not incorporated to the building procedure and the policies of the government regarding recycling process are not driving recycling effectively. There are also lack of confidence in the recycled materials along with lack of communication and infrastructure of the industry. In addition, low value of low volume products are detected rather than sorted for the process of recycling. Solutions for recycling the Construction/ demolition waste It is important to develop effective planning considered as the most vital part of construction waste. Effective planning allows identifying all recyclable materials. It is helpful to address the process of handling waste materials. Moreover, it can cover communication that would be helpful for the organization to take effective step in the process. The central role in construction waste management for detailed information as well as sample waste management plan need to be done properly. It is important for an organization to develop effective performance (Gmez-Meijide et al. 2016). The number of construction materials on the recycling market would be helpful to develop the environmental materials will be helpful to complete the process. On the other hand, it is required for the organization to take effective steps for completing the process (Sabai et al. 2014). There is a simple rule for CD recycling. It does not require with the same process that would be helpful to generate the pr ocess effectively. On the other hand, recycling of construction needs proper responsibility for make the right process. Perception of recycling will slow down the performance. Research gap Recycling of construction and demolition waste has several benefits like minimization of transportation cost and keeps the environment clean. In order to promote recycling as well as reusing waste, awareness regarding its advantages need to be communicated with people, engineers as well as contractors. In the present study, recycling of building material waste during demolition is presented. However, the challenges faced during recycling of building materials are not assessed adequately due to lack of secondary data presence in the topic. Data analysis Data gathered from secondary sources can be assessed as followed. There are some materials used in the market that would be helpful to generate efficient process for the organization. The cost of recycling is considered as low cost of throwing the materials away. On contrary, recycling makes the process reliable in developing economic sense. Commingled recycling is the alternative to the source of separation. Complexity is not generally implied all materials separated for all time. As construction industry generates large amount of waste throughout the years, construction and demolition wastes end up in the landfills. It disturbs environmental, economical as well as social life cycle. Sustainable development is considered as a development, which is helpful for meeting the requirements of recent without making compromising ability of future development in order to encounter the demands (Wu et al. 2014). Concrete gathered from sites is put by crushing machine and free from plastic, paper as well as unwanted materials. In addition, the combined list of barriers along with the workshops as well as interviews is required to analyze. Following are the major barriers for recycling construction waste in demolition. Policy and governance play an important role for recycling. The policy of the government does not support recycling. Contamination of recyclable for lack of separation or lack of space for the process of separation is also considered as major barriers for recycling. There are other alternatives to the process of recycling due to industry infrastructure. In addition, lack of information to the industry structure are helpful and requirement for training. Construction and demolition materials are not considered as a potential source. Conclusion Demolition waste is attained after the process of pulling down infrastructure project. The wrecked has reinforced concrete, bricks, plasters, cardboards and timber sections from agglomeration. It is referred as demolition waste in the particular case. In addition, construction waste is surplus from undesirable materials resulting completion of construction activity. Recycling solid waste management strategy needs to be achieved as land filling as well as incineration is environmentally desirable. The authorities for environment protection cannot allow stockpiling of making uneconomic quantities. In addition, inconvenience of location of the process of recycling. There is also lack of facilities stored spoil specifically virgin excavated natural materials for the purpose of reuse later. Moreover, different types of pricing structures between making jurisdictions and consulting for capital region. It can encourage developers to shop across the particular region. Research scope and boundaries The research will be helpful for the future researchers to get help regarding development of framework to improve recycling practices of construction/ demolition waste and Recycling of building material waste during demolition. The study will be used as a reliable secondary source related to the topic. On the other hand, government and public authorities can get suggestions for development of framework to improve recycling practices of construction/ demolition waste. As there was time limitation, the researcher faced several issues and challenges during conduction of the research. It may hamper data gathering and accurate analysis of the study. In addition, many books were not accessible. It would be helpful to provide right data for the research. References Arulrajah, A., Mohammadinia, A., Phummiphan, I., Horpibulsuk, S. and Samingthong, W., 2016. 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Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mountain West Health Plans Inc Essay Example

Mountain West Health Plans Inc Essay Mountain West Health Plans Inc In every organization, success depends on, among other factors, the leadership exhibited by its management. Leadership may be defined as the behavioral act of creating conducive environment whereby people exploit their full potential with a view of realizing organization’s vision and mission. There are four key leadership styles, commonly referred to as Dimensional Behavioral Model, and illustrated as Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 representing dominant-hostile, submissive-hostile, submissive-warm, and dominant-warm respectively. In the case of mountain west health plans Inc. the leadership styles displayed by Quinn, Rasmussen and Evelyn are very elaborate and reflect directly to the performance of the organization. Evelyn Gustafson’s leadership style reflects Q3 whereby there is low concern for productivity but a very high concern for people. Being experienced and knowledgeable on the tasks, her main objective was to make sure that the whole of her d epartment’s staff was comfortable, happy and gave satisfactory information to subscribers. The latter was achieved through training and the end result was customer satisfaction and a very peaceful working environment. The style is useful in coordinating and harmonizing people in the firm. However, Evelyn’s overfriendliness to subordinates had a negative effect to the firm’s efficiency. She gave them too much freedom and breaks, the end result being few calls being made and complaints of customers hold-up. This style of management tends to be unstructured, decisions are made based on popularity, conflicts resolved on smoothing-over and there is likelihood that someone with, say Q1 behavior, may take advantage of the Q3 submissiveness. Evelyn derived her influence from happiness and comfort of subordinates around her with no complaints whatsoever. Her main desire was to satisfy her social needs. Erik Rasmussen on the other hand had a Q1 style of leadership whereby he preferred productivity over the feelings of people. His main objective was to ensure the number of calls went up, costs went down and efficiency improved, all of which he achieved. Erik was hostile and aggressive, he was a hands-on manager with a mind to win, and his communication was one way – ‘do it my way or leave’. We will write a custom essay sample on Mountain West Health Plans Inc specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mountain West Health Plans Inc specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mountain West Health Plans Inc specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer This style focuses predominantly on results and it is well structured. Testimony to this is that Erik managed to raise turnover from 10% to 30%. However, the domineering effect of this style instills fear and insecurity, which leads to low morale and poor quality of output. In the case of Mountain West, although the number of calls increased, the quality of those calls reduced and led to increased complaints from unsatisfied customers due to inaccurate information by pressed staff. This style suppresses development of skills and denies subordinates opportunity to make independent decisions. Erik’s source of influence is the belief that people must be pushed to work and his desire to satisfy his recognition and respect needs. Quinn, as the leader in the firm, should recommendation that Erik reduce the hostility towards workers while at the same time maintaining the dominant effect by adopting the Q4 behavior. Once the workers feel respected, they will get motivated to work and will not be affected by the pressure exerted by Erik. This change will be possible through performance appraisal which will highlight the gains in output and the dwindling quality of work. Quinn will have to reiterate that the consequence of subscribers’ complaints will be loss of their confidence and probably loss of business. Therefore Eric should warm up to people but still be forceful. From the above discussion, the management style adopted by a manager is very crucial on the performance of the firm. The manager should have clarified expectations, be given freedom to perform and held accountable for the results. This will ensure that the best leadership style is followed.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Examples of Annotated Bibliography on Obesity The Latest Studies for Your Research Paper

Examples of Annotated Bibliography on Obesity The Latest Studies for Your Research Paper Just imagine that as you read this article, every second adult and every sixth child are suffering from excess weight at this very moment. The US, New Zealand, Mexico and Hungary are the countries with the highest obesity rates among adults, and the overweight impacts their citizen’s social status as well as the physical and mental state. So, it’s actually no wonder if you get a writing assignment on obesity where you have to research one or several aspects of this soon-to-be global issue. If you also get a task to produce an annotated bibliography for your paper, don’t worry. It’s not that difficult as it seems if you get your bearings in all the rules for completing it properly. And we in our turn will give you several examples of the annotated bibliography on obesity so that you could see those regulations used in practice. Moreover, we will provide them in 2 main citation styles: MLA and APA. Enjoy! MLA Asibekyan Stella, Garvey Timothy. â€Å"Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease – More than Meets the Eye.† Nature Reviews Endocrinology (2017) The work attempts to find a connection between obesity and diabetes of the second type. This issue has been explored, considered and debated by numerous scientists during years. The fact that this connection exists even in theory makes one reflect on his/her diet and eating habits. That’s why it’s so important to include this research in the paper as it adds weight to the words that obesity is bad for your health. James Yeh, Robert Kushner, Gordon Schiff. â€Å"Obesity and Management of Weight Loss.† The New England Journal of Medicine. 375 (2016): 1187-1189 The article examines two types of the weight loss one of which includes using medicine while another criticizes the doubtful â€Å"healthy† nature of the drug involvement. They both provide valuable arguments for and against medicine implementation and give great insights into the life of obese people who try to lose the excess weight. APA Apovian, C. (2016). The Obesity Epidemic – Understanding the Disease and the Treatment. England Journal of Medicine. 375: 177-179 The research focuses on the numbers and statistics on obesity that lately have grown drastically. It is looking for the best treatment in such a situation which is not an easy task – e.g., weight loss medicine has been tested on adults, but children and adolescents have never participated in tests, thus can’t be treated this way. This study shows the overall complexity and gravity of the obesity situation which greatly helps to describe the current state of affairs. Fuchs Florent, Senat Marie-Victorie, Rey Evelyne. (2017). Impact of Maternal Obesity on the Incidence of Pregnancy Complications in France and Canada. Scientific Reports 7. 10859 The study reveals the consequences of obesity for pregnant women after conducting a comprehensive research from 2009 to 2011 among more than 46 000 deliveries in Canada and France. Their findings present the connection between obesity and HDP ( a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy), macrosomia and cesarean delivery. This study helps to highlight the dangers of overweight for a particular group of women which adds value to the statements in our paper. These examples will help you to: See the samples of the right formatting; Find more information on obesity; Check out how the annotations are written. 3 for the price of one – and all you have to do is to spend 10 minutes on reading our article. You are welcome. Enjoy!

Friday, November 22, 2019

Asthma Is A Chronic Lung Disease

Cystic Fibrosis Cystic Fibrosis is the most chronic lung disease amongst children and teens. Cystic Fibrosis is a disease passed down through the parents, if both parents have the defective CF gene then it is passed down to the spawn. About 1,000 cases of Cystic Fibrosis are diagnosed each year, 70,000 people today suffer with this disease. Out of those 70,000 people, my nephew is one of those diagnosed with this disease. Usually people with this disease only live up to 30 years of age, isn 't it†¦ Asthma is oftentimes overlooked or brushed to the side when talking about disabilities, especially when it comes to discussing disabilities among school children. Due to modern medicine and an increased knowledge about the disease, those affected by it are often able to live normal healthy lives. Despite being treatable, asthma is not a disease that should be taken lightly. Boushey & Fahy state that asthma wasn’t considered a severe disease until the 1960’s when several asthmatic deaths took place†¦ Asthma is a chronic long-term disease that affects breathing tubes that carry air in and out of the lung, it can further be defined as a persistent inflammatory disorder that is linked up with physiological abnormalities in the airways, which can be a variable airflow limitation and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). The physiological uneasiness in the airways can be variable symptoms like chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough or wheeze. In some case, these symptoms can be mild or even absent†¦ Lung cancer is a disease that affects the lungs. This type of cancer initiates in the lungs. The lungs are two spongy like organs in the chest that take in oxygen when you inhale and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer. The risk increases with the numbers if cigarettes you have smoked. If a person quits smoking, they can reduce the chances of developing lung, cancer. It is estimated that about 90% of male lung cancer deaths and 75–80% of†¦ Asthma is chronic inflammatory disease of the airways characterized by variable and reversible airflow obstruction. The symptoms of asthma include shortness of breath, cough, chest tightness and wheezing. Genetic factors are thought to play an important role in the development of the disease, however the phenotype expression is profoundly affected by environmental factors1. Asthma affects 334 million people all over the world and is the most common chronic disease among children2. In the UK alone†¦ trying their first cigarette? Kids can get asthma from smoking cigarettes. Asthma is a chronic disease that affects the airway and lungs. When you get asthma you will have very bad chest pain, their will also be sharp chest pain. Their also can swollen thee airway and it will make it hard to breath. Asthma is a very bad disease that can kill you, it has to be treated with a nebulizer and you are making your asthma might go away. You also can get an asthma attack it can happen when you are born early†¦ Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the bronchial mucosa that causes bronchial hyper responsiveness, constriction of the airways, and variable airflow obstruction that is reversible. Asthma occurs at all ages, with approximately half of all cases developing during childhood and another third before age 40 (McCance & Huether, 2014). The most common symptom of asthma is wheezing. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, chronic coughing, chest tightness, and trouble sleeping at night†¦ Lung diseases are very prevalent in the United States. According to a study, COPD is diagnosed in almost 24 million individuals in the US and is among the top 4 reasons of death in the country (Rubin, Dhand, Ruppel, Branson, & Hess, 2011). Other prevalent lung illnesses in the United States are asthma, pneumonia, and ARDS, which all correlate with the concept of gas exchange. In each phase in the continuum of healthcare, nurses will be faced with a patient who is diagnosed with a respiratory illness†¦ The disease of the lungs, COPD, can be traced back to the 1600’s. It was the year 1679 when Swizz physician, Bonet, defined the disease as â€Å"voluminous lungs.† About a century later Italian anatomist, Giovanni Morgagni, termed cases of the lungs as â€Å"turgid.† A series of illustrations of the emphysematous lung putting forth the pathology of the disease was published by Baillie in 1789, thus emphysema was known to be a part of COPD early one (Mandal 2013). Over the years, Chronic Bronchitis became a†¦ LUNG CANCER Hadar Leybov Lung cancer is a disease that affects the lungs. This type of cancer initiates in the lungs. The lungs are two spongy like organs in the chest that take in oxygen when you inhale and release carbon dioxide when you exhale. People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer. The risk increases with the numbers of cigarettes you have smoked. If a person quits smoking, they can reduce the chances of developing lung, cancer. It is estimated that about 90% of male†¦

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Paper 2 - Essay Example Instructions to be followed by the bidders in terms of submission of documents will be sated. Tender response will compose of all the questions to be asked by the bidders and answerers by the bidder. The tender will compose if the declarations to be signed by the bidders. The certificate of non-alignment will be signed whereby the bidder will declare that he has not merged with any other bidder for the tender. Finally, there will be the draft of the proposed tender. The tender may be restricted, negotiated or open as per the tendering guidelines. Restricted tenders will have a pre-qualifying questionnaire (PQQ) that will cover the organization, financial details, environmental policies, technical information, health and safety policies of the bidder. The PQQ will be done before the invitation to tender (ITT) in the determination of quality and price basis. Any successful bidder should avail all the required information. Moreover, he should appropriately and correctly answer all the questions. Finally, the bidder should return the needed information at the speculated time. Award of the contract will be awarded after weighing several criteria mainly experience, quality, implementation timetable, pricing schedule, tax clearance certificates, financial stability and suitability. Provided that there will be no challenges encountered, the successful; bidder will be awarded after the contact after 10 days. Unsuccessful bidders will be informed with presence or absence of viable reasons as to why they were not considered. Thereafter, the selected bidder will sign a contract as per the tendering documents. The infrastructure strategy has three main parts mainly operating system, hardware and the networks. The strategy should ensure that the organization is provided with high computing and performance power with a strong bandwidth that is achievable at the lowest cost possible (ECU. 2011, p. 1). The application

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Tata Consultancy Services entry strategy in international markets Essay

Tata Consultancy Services entry strategy in international markets - Essay Example One of the interesting reasons for the company’s success can be attributed to its entry approach that the company used in different markets. TCS being the first software company in India, has been in domestic operations since 1968 and its first big export came during the period 1973-74 when it took up the job of building inventory control software solution for an electricity company in Iran. (Agarwal, 2008, p. 19). During the same period TCS also took up a similar assignment in UK developing hospital information system. From that period and with its continued success, TCS has been a delight for its clients globally. The company’s principal activity is to provide information technology and business process outsourcing services. The company offers its services to varied types of industries but its prime focus is in on industries such as banking, insurance, financial services, manufacturing, retail, telecommunications and infrastructure. Innovation can lead the company as at niche player. The Niche for TCS is its BPO Services wing. â€Å"the key idea in niching is specialisation† (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006, p.543). TCS has operations all over the world including in Americas, Europe, Asia as well as Asia-Pacific. The IT consulting and other services market has shown impressive growth in recent years, offering an attractive prospect to potential new entrants. Entry into this market may be done by diversification of the existing activity or by founding a new company. (Datamonitor 2009, p.14). In the year 2008, the company has set its foot in other newer Asia Pacific markets such as Tha iland. Let us now look at TCSs and its country specific entry modes in view of its strengths, weaknesses, Opportunities and Strengths. TCS’s association in Europe has been there for the last 2 decades. . Indian software services firms such as TCS and second ranked Infosys technologies are expanding in Europe

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Customer service Essay Example for Free

Customer service Essay This company operates globally in more than 100 countries and territories throughout the world. Their marketing objectives are realistic, measurable, and time specific. In the mission statement it says that every customer will be back, which is true because every family has eaten Pizza Hut more than once or twice. Pizza Hut is the leading pizza delivery group that has Dine-In restaurants. The restaurant has good customer service. In researching this company notes were taken on how good the customer service for this company really is. Create a pizza thats custom made just for you. Start with your favorite crust; add your toppings, and just the right amount of cheese and sauce. This is one way of service Pizza Hut gives and is known for being the best, because you get your pizza just the way you ordered it. Whether youre gathering for a game or making it a lunch meeting, feeding a large group is easy when you order from Pizza Hut, where its affordable, easy to order and assessable to many others to order. They are considered to have lower prices to be able to feed a lot of people for just a little of money. They have a very different variety of products on their menu one to please all types of individuals. Their mission statement says we take pride in making a perfect pizza and providing courteous and helpful service on time, all the time. Every customer says, I’ll be back! The definition that for good customer service that I have is that every customer can get everything they want as in pizza regardless of what they want on it. This is called pleasing the customer with what the customer has ordered. The basic customer Common needs are whatever the customer wants in prospected to what they ordered from the menu. The rapport and customer relations are established by giving the customer everything they prefer on the order when it is ordered. In other words giving the customer what they want. The basic common needs of the customer are given them what they want as a customer and make them happy. This is why I chose to write about Pizza Hut. (American Psychological Assoc. ) References Kramer, L. (1997). Pizza Huts Gier looking beyond boom for growth. Advertising Age, 68(42), 40. (American Psychological Assoc. ) References PIZZA HUT: PAN PIZZA ANNIVERSARY. (2005). Advertising Age, 76(39), 81. (American Psychological Assoc. ) References MacArthur, K. (2000). Pizza Hut brings back its Edge: $25 mil supports new version. Advertising Age, 71(18), 4. (Source: Northwestern University Center for Media Management www. mediainfocenter. org). (Sources: Pizzahut. com, and Yum. com).

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Clinical Genetic Disorder: Beta Thalassemia Essay -- Genetic Blood Dis

John and his wife Mary decided that after 3 years of marriage it was time for them to bring a child into their life. John and Mary lived on the coast of Italy, where the weather was always sunny and warm and the water not but a stone toss away. John and Mary decided that it was the right time, then, 9 months later they conceived a son, they named him Henry. During the first two years of Henry’s life John and Mary noticed abnormalities in Henry’s development. Henry did not gain weight or grow as he was expected to. He also exhibited signs of weakness and fatigue. Henry had always been pale, and this alone was never enough to alarm suspicion; but Henry’s paleness started to shift to a more yellowish tint, and along with these other signs raised enough suspicion to take Henry to the hospital. The doctor took blood from Henry to be tested. After the test result came back the doctor concluded that Henry had an enlarged spleen and liver. He was suffering from a heredit ary disease called beta-thalassemia. John and Mary in complete dismay questioned the doctor as to how their son suffered from a hereditary disease that neither of them suffered from. The doctor informed the grieving parents that both of them must be carriers of the mutated HBB gene. During the conception of Henry, John and Mary must have passed on the mutated recessive gene on: thus with the presence of two mutated recessive HBB genes caused Henry to develop Beta-thalassemia. The doctor continued to explain that the beta-thalassemia causes the beta-globin, a subunit of hemoglobin, to not be produced creating non-functional hemoglobin. Without sufficient hemoglobin, red blood cells do not develop properly, causing a shortage of mature red blood cells. This lack of red bl... .... MedicineNet, "Beta Thalassemia (A Genetic Blood Disorder)." Accessed January 27, 2014.http://www.virtualmedicalcentre.com/diseases/thalassaemia-mediterranean-a nemia-cooley. Palit, Sarmi, Robiul Bhuiyan, Aklima Jannatul, Raju Dash, and Talha Emran. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy, "A study of the prevalence of thalassemia and its correlation with liver function test in different age and sex group in the Chittagong district of Bangladesh ." Last modified December 31, 2012. Accessed January 30, 2014. http://www.jbclinpharm.org/article.asp?issn=0976-0105;year=2012;volume=3;issue=4;spage=352;epage=357;aulast=Palit. Virtual Medical Centre, "Thalassaemia (Mediterranean anemia; Cooley’s anemia)." Last modified 11 2, 2008. Accessed January 27, 2014. http://www.virtualmedicalcentre.com/diseases/thalassaemia-mediterranean-anemia-coole'ys-anemia/130

Monday, November 11, 2019

BMW Mini brand comes to India Essay

Bavarian Motor Works (BMW) group, recently introduced its iconic Mini brand in India with four models, price ranging between Rs 24.9 lakh to Rs 31.99 lakh.[1] BMW had contemplated launching the Mini brand in India back in 2009 too, but the move was shelved on account of weak market conditions, particularly due to global economic meltdown. The launch of the compact car BMW mini has been on the line of similar introductions in Indian automobile market by auto majors like Fiat and Volkswagen. Back in 2008, Fiat launched Fiat 500 Cinquecento model in India. It was priced at around Rs 14.82 lakh.[2] The car sold only 60 units and was subsequently re-launched in 2010. The sales number of Fiat 500 seems pale in comparison to the sales of Volkswagen Beetle, which was launched in India in November 2009 and had sold 300 units by July 2010[1], surpassing the original sales targets. However, the sales figures, of both these premium small cars are overshadowed massively by sales of other mass produced small cars in India, which are usually sold in Rs 3-6 lakh price range. Then why has a leading automobile maker like BMW launched a compact car like Mini in the Indian market, which cost nearly 5 to 8 times more than a regular small car in India, and then sell only by tens or hundreds and not by masses? This study aims at bringing to the light the strategies and reasons behind this move by the auto giant and what BMW aims to achieve through it. Let us first start by discussing the marketing mix techniques BMW has used to launch the Mini brand in India : Product : One of the most important component of any marketing mix is the product the company wishes to sell in the market. BMW has been strongly associated as a premium quality auto brand the world over. Its slogan â€Å"The Ultimate Driving Machine† further bolsters the fact that the company is engaged in making top quality cars, demanded by customers who prioritise the quality of the machine, driving pleasure and comfort over price. Therefore, the company targets the niche segment of buyers who demand top of the line quality product. Taking note of the increasing demand for premium cars in the Indian market the company has been adding several brands of cars, even since it set foot in the country, to the portfolio of the products it offers here. Mini was originally launched by British Motor Corporation in 1959.[3] Ever since the car was first introduced to the world, the Mini brand has carved a niche for itself, and created a sort of cult following and sentimental value towards the brand the world over. According to a Wall Street Journal Report dated January 5th 2012, Sales of Mini brand rose 20% in 2011 from the 234,000 units it sold in 2010, helped by robust demand across the U.S., U.K and China, irrespective of weak economic conditions.[4] Though the launch of BMW Mini was delayed in India (as originally planned to launch in 2009), according to Kay Segler, Senior Vice President, Mini Brand Management and Business Coordination, â€Å"Indian market is now ready for a brand like Mini as the country has become a part of the global community when it comes to lifestyle trends.† as told to PTI.[5] He further said, â€Å"More Indians are travelling and living abroad, they have network overseas and are more aware of trends ,† Segler said.[5] BMW’s market observation as worded by Segler shows that there is a market for Mini in India, for those who wish to own an iconic car, which is synonymous to fashion and style the world over. Price : BMW Mini is priced between Rs 24.9 lakh to Rs 31.99 lakh in India. The car is imported as a completely built unit, unlike other BMW variants like 3 series, 5 series, X1 and X3 which are assembled domestically, therefore carrying a high component of tax. However prices have been kept in comparison to the offerings of other competing brands like Volkswagen Beetle and Fiat 500 which fall in the same category as much as possible. Since BMW is a luxury car maker, the prices of the cars in its stable are very high. Mini is no exception. The prices are not such to justify the sale of the car to the masses but rather to high income rich influential Indian buyers who want to purchase the product majorly because of its iconic status and sentimental value attached to the brand over the decades, or simply as a status symbol. Placement : BMW sells its cars in India through 17 dealerships across 13 cities.[7] However, BMW Mini is to be sold through exclusive showrooms. Mini first started selling here at Infinity Cars, Mumbai on Linking Road. The dealership received 100 booking within a week. Later showroom in Delhi was opened in June and has sold 50 units till now[8]. BMW subsequently plans to open exclusive showrooms for Mini in Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Bangalore. The company has strategically chosen the financial capital (Mumbai) and political capital (Delhi) of India for its initial sales of Mini. Mumbai is the hub of financial activities and entertainment industry in the country and therefore has a high density of millionaires in the city. High income groups are attuned and aware of the international trends and style standards. Luxurious/status commodities are always in demand among these group, justifying the launch of an internationally perceived style icon like Mini, here first. Delhi is the home to political structure of India. The entire NCR (National Capital Region) region which includes satellite cities like Gurgaon and Noida have seen a tremendous rise in corporate and multinational establishments over the past decade and is rationally perceived as an IT hub of the country. With the advent of IT industry in the region and tremendous rise in realty prices, the entire NCR has become a home to a large number of high wealth groups. With huge disposable incomes in the region, demand for luxury cars is on the ascent. The two urban cities of Delhi and Mumbai have seen extensive westernisation in the living standards of the residents, resulting into an analogous demand. BMW therefore strategically chose the two cities as distribution centres for its Mini brand. Promotion : When the company found out that Indians accounted for more ‘Likes’ for Mini on a social networking web portal called Facebook, the company rushed to launch the product within the next six months. To promote a product that will appeal to niche class of buyers, BMW has adopted an aggressive marketing technique to sell the Mini brand in India. Supporting this, Dr. Andreas Schaaf, President, BMW Group India, â€Å"We are focused on a strong, surprising, daring and unexpected marketing strategy for the Indian market.†[9] Dummy models of the cars in its portfolio were placed on a lake close to New Delhi and on the rooftops of skyscrapers in order to enhance the presence of Mini brand in India.[9] This strategy was also part of its international ‘daring’ marketing strategy, though domestically it was a new technique. To further promote the Mini brand, the company plans to further collaborate with several marketing agencies. The emphasis is put on the unique ideas the car can be promoted with. According to Bejamin Nagel, Head of Mini India, the focus is on Guerilla and experimental marketing, as the Mini is not a mass product, but rather a premium car. Therefore, the company has opted not to promote it through mass media. It is therefore safe to say that for promoting the Mini brand in India, BMW is focusing on BTL (below the line) advertisement methods to target specific group of niche buyers, instead of ATL (above the line) methods of mass advertisement. Indian Automobile and the Mini The Indian automobile market which we know of today, has developed from its miniscule form since the early 1950s to the giant and growing industry it is today. Before the reforms to liberalise the economy in the early 1990s, the automobile sector was highly insulated from foreign investments. Due to very high tariffs on imports and other measures, the participation of foreign companies was extremely restricted. If we go back a bit further, 1950s saw the arrival of TATA Motors, Bajaj Auto and Mahindra & Mahindra. This lead to a steady increase in vehicle production in India. Subsequently, 1960s witnessed the establishment of two and three wheeler industry in India. However, post entry of Maruti Udyog in the 1980s, the industry witnessed tremendous growth. In 1983, Suzuki was permitted to enter a joint venture with Maruti by government, for some time and it became the only FDI player in the segment.[10] However, a decade later post liberalisation of the Indian economy, the government de-licensed passenger car manufacturing. Eventually, the industry saw a huge influx of foreign car makers into the country by way of FDI. Presently, automobile industry is one of the key growing sectors in the country. Almost every major car maker in the world is present in India. Even after the economic meltdown post 2007, India is still one of the fastest growing economies in the world. This has transformed into huge rise in disposable income, resulting in enhanced demand for products at par with international standards. This and others factors like favourable demographics, supportive business environment have attributed to the decisions of almost all the leading automobile companies in the world to set up and grow their business in India by providing cars at par with the worldwide quality standards. However, according to a recent report carried out by Society of Indian Automobiles Manufacturers, the growth in domestic sales of cars over the April-August 2012 period was 6.61% which is a decline of 3.9% over August 2011, due to the on ongoing economic downturn and turbulences.[11] But most industry analysts and car manufactures are optimistic about the future outlook of the industry which is still seeing considerable growth compared to automobile sector growth in other countries, and expect to witness better business on the hopes of government reforms to boost overall economic development and GDP growth in the coming times. The recent decisions to allow single brand and multi brand retail FDI in the country by the government has further strengthened the confidence of foreign investors towards the business policies in the country being favourable. Therefore, BMW’s decision to bring the Mini brand to the select Indian auto buyers is further vindicated by the deep analysis of the Indian automobile market done above. Like most of its other premium brands of cars, the company does not plan to sell the Mini brand to the masses, but rather to the niche and super rich segment of the Indian auto buyers which demands an international product for the premium price. The demand from this segment has been constantly rising over the past decade. As a result, other premium manufacturers like Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen have been gradually introducing international brands of their car models in India. Like them, BMW’s management perceived this as just the start of the Indian growth story. As a developing country, there is huge potential of growth in the automobile sector, compared to the developed nations where the markets have seemed to reach to a saturation point. However, in the developing economies like India and China, the growth potential is huge and the development graph has still a long way to go upwards, backed by political will, before it can reach some sort of saturation. Some might argue that BMW’s decision to introduce Mini brand in India might be precocious. However, considering the growth potential in the economy, it is only right that BMW would want to stem its roots as deeply as possible in the premium automobile segment of the country right from the start. By adding Mini brand to its portfolio of the internationally recognised products the company sells in India, BMW wants to further bolster its image and position in the market, emphasising its willingness and seriousness to do a long lasting business in India, and providing wide range of premium cars acknowledging and fulfilling different styles, preferences and desires of the premium car buyers of India. References __________________________________________________________________ [1] http://www.hindustantimes.com/News-Feed/Auto/BMW-launches-Mini-brand-in-India-with-four-models/Article1- 791750.aspx [2] http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2010-07-19/news/27601128_1_cinquecento-fiat-beetle [3] Reed, Chris (1994). Complete Mini: 35 Years Of Production History, Model Changes, Performance Data. Croydon [4] http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970203513604577142310291706308.html [5] http://www.hindustantimes.com/News-Feed/Auto/BMW-launches-Mini-brand-in-India-with-four-models/Article1- 791750.aspx [6] http://www.bmw.in/in/en/newvehicles/3series/sedan/2011/showroom/index.html [7] http://www.cardekho.com/BMW/cardealers [8] http://articles.economictimes.indiatimes.com/2012-06-08/news/32124207_1_bmw-india-india-president-andreas- schaaf- mini-cooper [9] http://www.cartrade.com/car-bike-news/bmw-to-adopt-aggressive-marketing-strat

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Interpretation poem

Creative Interpretation Interpret one of the poems from the course In a new material form: visual, sculptural, audio, video, and/or digital. Successful creative interpretations will go beyond portraying the thematic content of the poem and represent its formal, historical, and/or material aspects as well. Demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the poem. Rate a meaningful and complex relationship between materiality and meaning. Show that significant thought and effort has been put into the project. Your interpretation should integrate the complete text of your poem into the project in some way so that your Interpretation could be understood by an audience that hasn't read the poem. Please note that a broadside does not meet the â€Å"significant thought and effort† requirements of this project. 2.Essay Write an essay of 900-1200 words that analyzes your chosen poem and articulates how your artistic choices in your creative interpretation respond to specific thematic, formal, h istorical, and/or material aspects of the poem. Successful essays will give relevant background information about the poem. Offer a thesis statement that clearly articulates how the creative interpretation uses material features to respond to the poem. Analyze specific aspects of the poem? quoting where appropriate?that are relevant to the project's artistic choices. Leary describe how the project uses specific material features to construct an Interpretation of the poem. Be written In a formal academic style. You can assume that your reader has seen your project, so you can focus on analyzing rather than describing it. You can use â€Å"l† in this essay to refer to your choices, but the essay should focus on the poem and the project rather than your pinions, beliefs, motivations, etc. Your creative interpretation will be due in person during our final class session on Wednesday, June 4 at 3:30.Your essay will be due online by Monday, June 9 at 3:mom. Please note: the poem yo u choose for this project must be different from the ones you choose for your micro-essay portfolio and your broadside. Final Project Grading Rubric Creative Interpretation poem, including relevant formal, historical, and/or material aspects. Execution. The choice of medium is fruitful for the project; specific material choices are interesting, meaningful, and effective. Effort. The project demonstrates a significant amount of thought and effort.Essay Poem Analysis. The essay offers a compelling analysis of the poem, focusing on aspects most relevant to the project and quoting where appropriate. Project Analysis. The essay analyzes specific material choices of the creative interpretation in detail. Organization & Writing. The essay has a clear organizational structure, including an introduction, paragraphs with topic sentences, transitions, and a conclusion; the essay uses formal academic prose conventions.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Economic and Sexual Oppression of Female Slaves essays

Economic and Sexual Oppression of Female Slaves essays The article Female Slave Resistance: The Economics of Sex by Darlene C. Hine, focuses mainly on showing that slavery was equally as harsh for females as it was for males. In the article, Hine shows that female slaves, unlike male slaves, faced two forms of oppression. She explains and gives examples of the three main forms of slave resistance used by the females. While all slaves faced economic exploitation, women were also forced to deal with the hardships of sexual oppression. Sexual oppression was exemplified through females being required to take care of their masters children, many times instead of their own. In addition, the better-looking slave women were sold for much higher prices and often forced into having sexual affairs with their white masters. Many of the more attractive slaves were sold for prices that exceeded the amount an owner would be willing to pay for a strong, well-built field worker. In 1857, in the Memphis Eagle and Enquirer, a female slave was said to be so surpassingly beautiful that a bid of $5000 was offered and not accepted. Due in part to this sexual oppression, several different forms of resistance were practiced by the female slaves. The most common form was sexual abstinence. One way sexual abstinence was obtained was through women avoiding sex with their owners. Linda Brent, a former slave and author of Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, used the simple fact that her grandmother was still present on the plantation to put a halt to sexual advances made towards her by her master. Her grandmother was a former slave whom her master was afraid of. The second way sexual abstinence was practiced was by the females resisting sex and marriage to other slaves in hopes that they could eventually get married and raise their children in a world free from slavery. Another way females showed resistance towards slavery was through abortion. Because slave wo...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Finance and Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Finance and Resource Management - Essay Example On the other hand new vehicle would be depreciated by $900 if the same technique were to be followed. The vehicle would be used, on an average 80 kilometers. The fuel efficiency is 8 kms per litre of petrol. Thus, there is a requirement to use 10 liters petrol. Each litre is costing about $2 and so petrol cost would be $20 per day and for 355 days, it would be $7100. The new vehicle has better fuel efficiency giving 10 kms per litre. It would thus require 8 litres per day and with the same cost of petrol, the yearly requirement would be $5680 (that is, 8 litre * $2 * 355 days). Cost of maintenance has gone up in the recent time. As the vehicle has been subject to severe wear and tear, the maintenance cost is estimated in the order of 20 percent of the car. That is, $1000 this year. But maintenance cost for the new car would be very low. It would not exceed 2 percent of its actual cost. This would be therefore $180 per year. Based on the information provided as above, the budget for operating the old vehicle has been mapped below. This has been juxtaposed against the possible cost that will be incurred for operating a new vehicle for similar purpose. Based on the above consideration, operating old vehicle is costlier than the new one. For instance, the annual cost of running the old patrol car is $8600, whereas that of new car would be $6760. There is a difference of $ 1840. In one of the company meeting, it was decided to have annual gathering under the pretext of a training program. The participants included middle level manager numbering about 25 from the United States. The department conducted basically a training program involving talk by about eight invited guests, who had to be given mementos. As these experts were drawn from best performers’ list working for our organization, it was decided that no honorarium would be paid. These participants were asked to stay in a hotel for 2 days. Hotel room tariff was $ 400 per day on twin sharing

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Diabetes Type 1 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Diabetes Type 1 - Research Paper Example The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are over 177 million cases worldwide and this number will increase to at least 370 million by 2030 (Gad et al., 2003). Further, the disease is associated with a series of secondary health complications. Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is characterized by persistent and variable hyperglycemia (high blood glucose levels). Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), also known as insulin-dependent DM, childhood DM, or juvenile-onset DM, most commonly presents in children and adolescents. The typical age of onset is less than 25 years (Pepper, 2006). Also, in contrast to T2DM, T1DM occurrence is typically in individuals who are lean rather than obese (Myers, 2005). T1DM constitutes approximately 10% of all individuals with DM and occurs mainly in populations of Europe and North America (Champe et al., 2005; Gillespie, 2006). T1DM is increasing in incidence globally at a rate of about 3% per year (Champe et al., 2005). Like all t ypes of DM, T1DM is associated with increased risk for and a high incidence of certain complications. Hence, DM in general has been considered a syndrome of metabolic abnormalities (i.e. metabolic disorder of glucose, protein, lipids, water and electrolytes), microvascular disease (i.e. retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy), and macrovascular disease (i.e. ... T1DM patients are often young at the time of diagnosis. Although the pathogenic factors are active early on, complications usually develop later as the disease progresses and are not as common during early stages. Etiology of T1DM Type 1 diabetes is the result of the loss of ? cells, which subsequently leads to insufficient secretion of insulin. It is generally accepted that Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM) is an autoimmune disease. The exact cause or causes of the disease are still unclear, however, a combination of genetic and environmental factors seem to be involved. Evidence for a genetic susceptibility to IDDM is shown through family studies. Approximately 6% of siblings of people with T1D will also develop the disease, as compared with a prevalence of .4% in the general population (Levin and Tomer 2003; Leoni 2003). Children of diabetics also have a higher risk of acquiring diabetes: about 3-6% of diabetic offspring get diabetes, compared with .4% of the general popu lation. Intriguingly, the gender of the diabetic parent also seems to contribute to disease transmission, with offspring of diabetic fathers being at a greater risk (about 9%) than those of diabetic mothers (about 3%). Data from twin studies (i.e. Levin and Tomer 2003; Leoni 2003) also seem to strongly suggest a genetic predisposition to IDDM. Concordance rates for monozygotic twins vary between 35 - 70%, while the concordance rates for dizygotic twins is about 11 %. These rates increase with the time since proband diagnosis; for example, concordance is 43% within 12 years of proband diagnosis, and 50% within 40 years. Age of proband diagnosis also seems to be a crucial factor: the concordance rate for twins of

Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Rise To Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Rise To Management - Assignment Example Although theory forms the basis of nearly all the research; yet the way in which theories are developed varies a lot. Research that gives rise to management issues can be carried out in a number of ways, some of which are mentioned in this work and include establishing causal relationships, evaluating the efficacy of approaches to various problems and derivation of results by the use of descriptive studies.The problem of pharmaceutical companies regarding the loyalty of their customers can well be addressed by the use of smartphone app, as it provides a means of information exchange at very personal level. However, the suggested framework for the purpose of revealing the underlying nature of the problem may prove to be beneficial only if the users of the app are convinced enough to participate in the activity that relates to the provision of personal information for the purpose. Since this is largely a matter of personal choice and preference, and no clear-cut incentive is involved i n the process, the likelihood of this method's success is questionable. Additionally, the approach of quantitative examination leading to the qualitative understanding of the nature of Jamaican consumers raises questions regarding the feasibility of the approach. Will the outcomes obtained as a result of the implementation of this approach be reproducible and applicable in the long run? Also interesting to note is the presumed relationship of the success of smart-phone app to the sales of branded products.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Evidence and support for your claim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evidence and support for your claim - Essay Example When talking about violence in media, advocates against violence state that they are pushing for more censorship in behalf of the youth. A study has shown that children who were non-violent showed a high level of brain activity similar to that of children with aggressive behavior. (Mathis, 2005) More research has to be conducted to ensure that the brain activity was a direct result of exposure to violent television shows. Nevertheless, theories on behavioral psychology explain that an individual’s behavior can be influenced by a number of things, one of which is through observance of the actions in his or her surroundings. As a child, the individual tends to mimic what he or she sees from the adults around him. (Observation, 2005) Children usually imitate behavior and language from the people around them. This is how they start learning to communicate. As such, adults are often mindful of how they act and what they say whenever around very young children. This is also why parents have their kids watch educational children’s shows. They are in the frame of mind that their children will pick up the words and lessons from the said shows. This way of thinking can also be applied when it comes to violent shows. By having children watch shows with gun-wielding teenagers, people fighting and individuals shouting foul words, media is sending a message that it is normal to act as violently. Media is reinforcing the notion that fighting is acceptable in society. It provides the young viewers role models who exhibit aggressive behavior. Producers of the show maintain that they cannot do away with action scenes and aggressive behavior as these will affect the quality of their shows. They may say that it is the responsibility of the parents to supervise what their children are watching. Also, they may say that their shows are classified for adult viewers who know the difference

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Students Perception On Fast Food Consumption

Students Perception On Fast Food Consumption Malaysians were first introduced to fast foods when AW established its first restaurant in 1963. Consumers acceptance of fast foods has been increasing. This is manifested by the proliferation of fast food outlets in Petaling Jaya and Kuala Lumpur, such as Mc Donalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Grandys, Pizza Hut and Shakeys Pizza. Especially during the past ten years. These restaurants are franchised outlets that serve standardised western style menus, prepared according to strict specifications and charge fixed prices. Nowadays, many Malaysian are becoming increasingly more westernized and pursuing greater convenience when eating out. For these reasons, fast food restaurants have become especially popular among adolescents. In fact, the main customer group of fast food restaurants is students. Primary school student will request for fast food such as Mc Donald, KFC or Pizza Hut when they spend their family day with parents. While for teenager, they love fast food because its a nice place for them to hang out with friends and chit chat with. Several dietary factors inherent in fast food may cause a variety of negative health effects, including obesity, hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disease and some cancers due to massive portion of fast food, high energy density, palatability (appealing to primordial taste preferences for fats, sugar and salt), high content of saturated and trans fat, and low content of fibre. In order to induce students to have a correct understanding of the problems associated with fast food and to form a good dietary habit, it is necessary to realize how they perceive the influence of fast food on their health and nutrition. The purpose of this study is to examine Malaysian students perceptions and towards fast foods. A better understanding of the behavioural and psychosocial factors associated with eating fast food could provide useful descriptive information for potential intervention development. LITERATURE REVIEW This research paper is not undertaking as a substantial survey either of brand building or of consumer experience. Nor is it seeking the perception of student to fast food. Brands enhance human daily life. Consumers experience of using their familiar brands is more comfortable. This is because the essence of branded eating in fast food restaurants, albeit inflected culturally in different direction. Students consume the same brand as they friends did. This had brought out the trend among students which fast food restaurant is a place to hang out. According to Schlosser (2001) with increased mobility and the sprawling of urban areas people spent more time commuting to work. This was coupled with an increasing presence of women in the workplace thus leading to less time allocated for food preparation at home. At that stage, some three quarters of the family food budget was initially spent on fast food meals. Quick to capture the changing nature of the business, the fast food industry has also changed the face of the food chain in the last decades. Changes in food presentation and preparation were derived from technological improvements that facilitated the preservation of both uncooked and precooked foods. The advent of the microwave helped with the rapid preparation of food. As well as food preparation, the presentation of food also went through transformation. Outlets that were relied highly on staff and the use of crockery or cutlery gave way to a strong eat with your fingers emphasis. In addition to this, technological advances in packaging allowed the ultimate use of disposal of materials made of plastic, cardboard and polymers. These came in tandem with a drive towards uniformity of expectations, which included not only the presentation of the food itself, but also radical changes to the fundamentals of traditional restaurant (Schlosser 2001). Rault-Wack and Bricas (2002) propose that food is also a powerful medium for the construction of cultural and collective identities. Therefore, by establishing a corporate identity through the use of architectural symbolism such as red tiles and neon arches (Jackle and Scalle, 1999), the overall result meant that a particular name would be immediately associated with a particular product and service. As a result a strong brand association and identification was established facilitating the formation and consolidation of strong corporate identities. In the UK, fast food preparation and presentation thus follows the American model which created a strong cultural and collective identity. The model has provided the consumers with uniformity and repeated experience (Schlosser 2002). According to Anita Goyal and N.P. Singh survey, Consumers perception on fast foods in India had mention that after the liberalisation policy that came in force in 1991. Fast food industry grown in India as multinational fast food providers have set up their business either jointly with Indian partners or independently. From this journal was seeks to estimate importance of various factors affecting the choice of fast food outlets by Indian young consumers. According to the findings of the recent online survey from AC Nielson is among the top ten markets for weekly fast food consumption among the countries of Asia-Pacific region. Over 70 % of customers consume food from take-away restaurants once a month or more frequently. Identifying the drivers for preference of one-brand over another, the survey results indicate that 66% of customers who consider hygiene and cleanliness their most important criterion for selection. 24% of customers decide making criterion to purchase a fast food brand offer and 22% rely on their perception of whether a take-away brand offers them healthy food options. Other than that, youngest consumers are looking for variety, price, speed, delivery service and location in America and for price and novelties as well. Older consumers are more concern to cleanliness, nutritional value, quality and taste. According Tony Wilson and Khor Yoke Lim (2005), fast food culture has become a trend in the world. Even the state of ones health has become primary concern for consumer, but it does not affect the way consumers choose to eat. Having fast food becomes a part of student life. If current trend continue and forecast correct three quarters of todays teenage will be overweight or obese by the time they turn in 40 years old. Malaysia fast food industry is growing and attributed with the changing in life such as leisure and people life more convenience compare to years ago. Consumer have been spending less of their budget on the grocery store while spending more of their food money is ending up in cash register at the restaurant and fast food outlets. Besides that, convenience was another good perception view from public to fast food. Working adult willing to purchase fast food as their lunch or dinner due to its efficient for getting their meal and also its value packages which provided by fast food restaurant. Other than that, normally, fast food restaurant based in or near shopping complex or office building. This had build another good reason while employees are rushing for their lunch hour and they are much more prefer to have fast food in 15 minutes to enjoy for their one hour lunch time. Nowadays, people are more concern to health condition compare to years ago. Therefore, in long term healthy eating will be effective in reducing the risk of community towards chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer. Guidelines on fast foods are advertising to children and labelling of nutrient content. The increasing circulation of obesity among children is also a main reason. Nutrition labelling is to provide nutrition information on wrapper, brochure, pamphlet or posters of fast food. Consumers will be informed of the amount of the nutrients contains. Therefore, education towards consumer on the use of nutrition labelling information must to carry out to ensure effective use of the declaration. PROBLEM STATEMENT A problem statement is a clear concise description of the issues that need to be addressed by a problem solving team and should be created before they try to solve the problem. When bringing together a team to achieve a particular purpose provide them with a problem statement. In this students perception towards consuming of fast food, students believes that fast food are convenience and efficient. This is the factors that lead to the drastic increase in the statistical analysis on fast food consumption in Malaysia. This is because they had already set in mind fast food is convenient and less time consuming to purchase compare to a proper restaurants. Finally, fast food has become a basic social lifestyle as students treat a fast food restaurant as a place for gather and hang out. Research Question Research question 1: What is the perception of students on fast food? Hypotheses 1: Fast food is convenient and less time consuming Hypotheses 2: Fast food is place for gatherings and hangs out. Research question 2: What are the factors that influencing fast food consumption? Hypotheses 1: Fast food increases the obesity rate in Malaysian. Hypotheses 2: Fast foods foods are lack of nutrient and might causes health matters if consume in a long term. Research Objective The main objective of this research is to conduct a conclusive research to explore insights about students perception on fast food consumption. We want to know the student perception on fast food consumption and how this perception influencing them to consume a fast food as their meal. This research is also to identify and analyze the factors that influencing student on fast food consumption. The factors that influencing students fast food consumption can be in terms of price of the fast food, nutrition of the fast food, convenience and lifestyle. Price of fast food is an economic factor that influence them the most whether to consume fast food. This depend whether they got extra pocket money which usually come from their parents. Nowadays, fast food is one of the foods that students consume every day. Nutrition of fast food is taking into consideration for students healthy. This research is also conducted to find out whether student consume fast food is because of the convenience to get the fast food and eating fast food is kind of lifestyle. In short, the final analysis should give us what factors that influence the students on fast food consumption hence fast food restaurants can take the findings of this research as a guide to improve their services or make more profit. Research Framework Independent Moderating Dependent Variables Variable Variable Price of Fast Food Student consumption of Fast Food in Malaysia Students attitude towards Fast Food Demographic Nutrition of Fast Food Convenience of Fast Food This survey indicates that students consumption on fast food in Malaysia are affected by several variables which are price of purchasing fast food, trend or lifestyle of student, nutrition that contains and the convenience of the fast food. Refer to the framework, these 4 variables are important because either one of the variable will cause the perception of student to consume on fast food. Besides, all the variables had been affected by moderating variable, demography. The demography is include age, gender, income race and others demography that related to student consumption on fast food. Therefore, we take it as our independent variables for this research. Price The price is a component of an exchange or transaction that takes place between two parties and refers to what must be given up by one party (example: buyer) in order to obtain something offered by another party (example: seller). Price factors are said to influencing most of the students perception is because of the allowance from their parents are very minimal and students perception in purchasing fast food are believed to be expensive and not full filling. Sometimes, student will purchase fast food because of the price is reasonable for certain portion of the fast food. Therefore, the price is the perception of the student in fast food consumption. Attitude Besides, attitude is also an independent variable for the student perception on fast food. Attitudes is kind of manner, disposition, feeling posture of the body to expressive of an action, emotion regards to a person. This can be show that student attitudes towards Fast food are treating Fast food restaurant as a place for gatherings. Students nowadays like to hang around with friends at fast food restaurant compare library; they think that this is a part of their life or so called cool. Besides, student for high institution will spend more time at fast food restaurant to do their assignment, surf net, chit chat with their friend and so on, where all these activities can be doing at home, library or any parts of the campus. Nutrition Nutrition is nutrients in food, how the body uses nutrients, and the relationship between diet, health and disease. This is important to know what is the nutrition of the fast food contains and found out there is a poor nutrient value from the fast food. It is not only contains a very high calorie in some certain amount of fast food, it contains high monosodium glutamate (MSG), as a food additive and is commonly marketed as a flavour enhancer that is bad for health if it is highly consumed and fast food is of the leads to obesity among teenagers these days. Do students now a day refer to any nutrition labels before they purchase fast food and will the student aware of health if they have their fast food frequently? So, nutrition is very important for student perception on fast food that might influence student consumption to have fast food. Convenience Following is convenience of fast food. Convenience is anything that is intended to save resources (time, energy) or frustration. Convenience is one of the factors that most students do go for fast food as they think fast food is very convenient and less time consuming. In the students mind set of fast food is a place for everyone to visit there at anytime anywhere. Compare to a normal restaurant which need to wait for long queue just for waiting waitress to serve and order. However, fast food just need a few minutes where students can enjoy their meals without wasting time and energy. This is why fast food brings convenience to student. Research Methodology In this research, our main finding is factors that cause students perception from higher education institution in the fast food consumption. Most of the students are having pocket money that provided by their parents, money that students spend will automatically been limited due to amount of parents give to them, so we want to find out that price will change student perception in fast food area. Besides price factor, we also will focus on the convenience and attitude of students that influence their perception on fast food consumption. In addition, current condition in nutrition or health knowledge is also important to us to know that students will be affect by the nutrition knowledge when they want to consume fast food. Why So, we can use our finding to exploit our knowledge on perception of students on fast food consumption and it may also useful in future too. Population Sampling Students who consumed food obtained in fast food restaurants in Malaysia. Sample Sampling Our sample is students from Higher education Institutions. This is because, student in higher education level, their minded is much more mature to make decision. While our target number of students is 100 for direct collect survey which just for Wilayah Persekutuan and Selangor. This is because; higher education institutions are more locating in these 2 areas. But we not set a target for our online survey, this is because online survey hard to us to estimate it and we also have confidence that we sure can get many respondents. So, after conduct the online survey we just know that how many of respondents gather in online. Technique We will use survey method to collect or gather our data, due to the reason of survey is the easy way to give students to answer comparing with others techniques that quite complicated; moreover it is the inexpensive way to gather form a potentially large enough to respondents. Often they are the only feasible way to reach a number of reviewers large enough to allow statistically analysis of the results. We had separated our questionnaire into 5 parts, which are Demographic, Price, Convenience, Life Style and Nutrition. In addition, scale technique that we use is Likert scale. So, in the part of price, convenience, attitude and nutrition, we can get their response of perception of the higher level educations students in fast food view. While before the 5 part that previous mention, we also set questions to get some basic information about students perception on fast food consumption. For examples, which fast food restaurant are students most to consume. Where or location Fast food restaurants that around the higher education institution It can give us great chances to gather our survey from our target respondents which are students of high education institution. Besides the reason, it will give us more or accurate feeling from students to answer to the survey, such as Seri Kembangan Mc-Donald, Cyberjaya Domino Pizza. Online Survey Nowadays, all the students form higher education institution are online, no matter is their academic purpose, for fun or else they also spend a lots of time in online. So, through online survey, we can collect survey faster and easy. Reason of us to run 2 ways of survey is that we can gather different data or view of respondents when they are not from the same type of groups. For example, online respondents that do not consume much may have different view such as perception of price is higher compare with respondents which direct fulfill in the fast food restaurants. Time or period Most of the fast food restaurants are also have provide different package in different time or period, so we will separate 3 groups which are breakfast, lunch and dinner time slots to gather our survey, or it can also name as stratified sampling. Although online method can be collect data faster, but we also need to use 1 month to leave at online, so that can gather more responses. Our 2 methods will be run together so that can gather survey in the faster way. Questionnaire [1]Gender : Male Female [2]Age : à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ 20 21 27 28 34 35 41 42 48 49 55 [3] Race : Malay Chinese Indian Others [4] Course : (Ex: BBA Marketing with Multimedia) [5] Year of Study: (1, 2, 3, 4, first, second, third, fourth or others) [6] Where do you live currently? (Sri Kembangan, Cyberia or others) [7] Income Level or Pocket Money:- RM2001.00 RM3000 .00 RM3001.00 RM4000.00 > RM4000.00 [8] Which fast food restaurant(s) you most consume? (May choose more than 1) KFC MC-Donald Burger King Pizza Hut AW Others: [9] I choose fast food because à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (May choose more than 1) No Choice Delicious Easy to go Fast to get meal Others: [10] I frequently select fast foods _______________as my meal set. (May choose more than 1) Breakfast Lunch Tea time Dinner Supper Others [11] I choose fast food, when I am _____? Rushing of Time Very Hungry Stress Others [12] What do you think about the price rate for fast food in value meal? Strongly Inexpensive 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Expensive [13] What do you think about the price rate for fast food in ala cart? Strongly Inexpensive 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Expensive [14] How frequent do you add on or purchase a larger meal? Not Frequent 1 2 3 4 5 Very Frequent [15] How frequent do you redeem the voucher provided by fast food restaurant? Not Frequent 1 2 3 4 5 Very Frequent [16] Do you apply as a fast food restaurant member? Yes No If yes, do you use member card to get members privilege (such as redeem price)? Yes No If no, will you consider applying member card in the future? Yes No [17] Fast food restaurants location currently in town is best serving me. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [18] Fast food restaurant in shopping mall save my time in choosing food. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [19] I can easily search for fast food restaurant whenever I feel like buying fast food. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [20] I am willing to travel to a restaurant just to eat fast food. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [21] Fast food restaurants location would be a consideration for me to buy fast food. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [22] I will visit fast food restaurant more often if the fast food restaurant located nearby my house. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [23] I often use Drive-Thru service provided by the fast food restaurants when I am in a rush. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [24] Drive-Thru service provided by the fast food restaurants save my time in ordering fast food. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [25] I often use delivery service provided by the fast food restaurants. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [26] Delivery service provided by the fast food restaurants save my time in ordering fast food. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [27] Delivery service provided by the fast food restaurants delivered my order within the time period that they have promised. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [28] Counter service in fast food restaurant very fast in the speed in serving my order. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [29] Counter service in fast food restaurant is efficiently serving my order. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [30] I will visit fast food restaurant more often if the fast food restaurant serve my order in a shorter time. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [31] I like the concept where fast food restaurant open 24 hours a day. Strongly Agree 1 2 3 4 5 Strongly Disagree [32] Do you know the nutrition contains in the fast food? Yes No [32] How do you know about the nutrition of fast food? Word of mouth Parents Education News paper [33] Are you alert about nutrition the value of fast food? Not alert 1 2 3 4 5 strongly alert [34] Would you still consider consuming particular fast food, after referring to Nutrition Value Label? Not consuming 1 2 3 4 5 strongly consuming [35] Do you think fast food nowadays is nutrition? Yes No [36] How often do you visit the fast food restaurant in a week? Every day 3 times 2 times Never. [37] Do you agree on going to a fast food restaurant for a supper? Yes No [38] The most suitable place to organize a group gathering isà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦, Pub Fast food restaurant At home Others __________ [39] Do you think Wi-Fi is important to be implemented in a fast food restaurant? (Please state your reasons below.) Yes No __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ [40] Lastly, What came across your mind, when you hear the word FAST FOOD? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________