Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Reduction Definition and Examples in Chemistry

Decrease Definition and Examples in Chemistry Decrease includes a half-response where a substance animal categories diminishes its oxidation number, as a rule by picking up electrons. The other portion of the response includes oxidation, in which electrons are lost. Together, decrease and oxidation structure redox responses (decrease oxidation redox). Decrease might be viewed as the contrary procedure of oxidation. In certain responses, oxidation and decrease might be seen regarding oxygen move. Here, oxidation is the addition of oxygen, while decrease is the loss of oxygen. An old, less-normal meaning of oxidation and decrease looks at the response regarding protons or hydrogen. Here, oxidation is ​the loss of hydrogen, while decrease is the addition of hydrogen. The most precise decrease definition includes electrons and oxidation number. Instances of Reduction The H particles, with an oxidation number of 1, are decreased to H2, with an oxidation number of 0, in the response: Zn(s) 2H(aq) â†' Zn2(aq) H2(g) Another straightforward model is the response between copper oxide and magnesium to yield copper and magnesium oxide: CuO Mg â†' Cu MgO Rusting of iron is a procedure that includes oxidation and decrease. Oxygen is decreased, while iron is oxidized. While its simple to recognize which species are oxidized and decreased utilizing the oxygen meaning of oxidation and decrease, its harder to imagine electrons. One approach to do this is to modify the response as an ionic condition. Copper(II) oxide and magnesium oxide are ionic mixes, while the metals are most certainly not: Cu2 Mg â†' Cu Mg2 The copper particle experiences decrease by picking up electrons to shape copper. The magnesium experiences oxidation by losing electrons to frame the 2 cation. Or on the other hand, you can see it as magnesium diminishing the copper(II) particles by giving electrons. Magnesium goes about as a diminishing operator. Meanwhile, the copper(II) particles expel electrons from magnesium to frame magnesium particles. The copper(II) particles are the oxidizing operator. Another model is the response that concentrates iron from iron metal: Fe2O3 3CO â†' 2Fe 3 CO2 The iron oxide experiences decrease (loses oxygen) to frame iron while the carbon monoxide is oxidized (gains oxygen) to shape carbon dioxide. In this unique circumstance, iron(III) oxide is the oxidizing specialist, which offers oxygen to another atom. Carbon monoxide is the lessening specialist, which expels oxygen from a compound animal groups. OIL RIG and LEO GER To Remember Oxidation and Reduction There are two abbreviations that may assist you with keeping oxidation and decrease straight. OIL RIG-This represents Oxidation Is Loss and Reduction Is Gain. The species that is oxidized loses electrons, which are picked up by the species that is reduced.LEO GER or Leo the lion says grr.- This represents Loss of Electrons Oxidation while Gain of Electrons Reduction. Another approach to recollect which some portion of the response is oxidized and which is diminished is to just review decrease mean decrease in control.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 2

Activity the executives - Essay Example Be that as it may, this need not be the situation if there entrepreneurs are focused on activity the board. In this paper, the reason for existing is to give a report on the discoveries that were gathered subsequent to visiting probably the best café in the city. The second piece of this paper will clarify the sorts of procedure innovation that were seen in the tasks. Thirdly, limit limitations that existed in the activity will be talked about. At long last, there will be suggestions offered on the most ideal approach to improve the activities at this particular eatery. As noted over, each business would need to make benefit and guarantee that customers are fulfilled since this is the best way to guarantee long haul benefits. Be that as it may, each business’ achievement is significantly subject to the nature of the board (Schmidle, 2011; Evans, 2004). To put it plainly, a business that disregards the five execution goals will only from time to time observer benefits and its reality and apparently, gainfulness will be brief. Having taken part in the visit to the referenced movement, this segment will clarify how the five execution targets were used in the eatery. Costs frequently go about as one reason clients rush or spurn a specific business, accordingly the correct estimating should be polished with cautious thought. These attestations are educated by the reality low cost doesn't generally convert into productivity. Likewise, significant expenses are not an away from of excellent items (Heidhues and Kå'szegi, 2014; Wacker, 2004). In this specific eatery, the food costs were set according to estimate and quality with some costing as much as $100 while others as low as $5. Having watched the spot for the in any event two days, it became obvious the benefactors cherished the spot as a result of this apparently adjusted estimating. While customers anticipate that the costs should be low yet the items to be of top notch, this isn't constantly reasonable as a result of the necessities. A portion of the

Monday, July 27, 2020

3 Timeless Rules for Making Tough Decisions

3 Timeless Rules for Making Tough Decisions DECISIONS, DECISIONS, DECISIONS…What should I wear today?Beautiful or comfortable shoes?What should I eat for lunch?Should I go with a salad or a delicious burrito?What do I do with my savings?Should I invest or leave my savings rest for now?What will my next move be?Should I move to another country or stay put?I don’t really like my current job but I may not be able to find another one for a while Should I quit and change it or stay at the current one for now?Decisions, decisions, decisions…These are just some examples of decisions we are required to make on a daily, monthly or yearly basis.Various internet resources suggest that an average person (adult) makes approximately thirty-three thousand decisions per one single day!I found this data to be mind-blowing (and slightly disturbing).These decisions we constantly make, they all affect our lives in a less or more significant way. And it is all decisions you have made in your entire life that brought you to this place, where you are right now, reading these words.This  bespeaks  that we are the ones responsible for our lives, that we always have a choice and that it is our choices that direct our future in one way or another.We are not victims of our destiny but the ultimate creators of our lives.And it is our decisions and our decisions alone that determine where we ultimately end up…And depending on your personality type, you may find this idea to be either intimidating or empowering.We are all aware that our decisions may be glorious and wise. They may bring us success for which we will be applauded and glorified.However, they may also pave the road to what we see as failure and leave us feeling miserable and afraid of making new decisions.The truth is that, even though almost everyone will say they like having a choice and being a master of their own fate, continuous decision-making can and is very often, exhausting.Can you even imagine consciously making thirty-three thousand decisions per day?I cannot even start to imagine this.And it is not only the number or the time which would take us for such an act.The greatest burden consists of knowing that mistakes are inevitable and that we are frequently displeased with results of our decisions.All of this can ultimately result in serious anxiety and it has been scientifically proven that stress arising out of necessity to decide may result in severe health issues.Why is it so often so difficult to decide?In some cases, two choices are equally attractive and that is what makes it difficult to decide.In other cases, one option is by far more attractive than the other (salad vs. burrito) but the weighing of choices includes many factors (e.g. health, bikini body ambitions or budget).Some decisions can and need to be reached within a manner of minutes while others may take a few weeks, months or even, years.Naturally, the choice between salad and burrito has less impact on your future than the choice between investment and saving b ut not having an appropriate decision-making mechanism may make even minor decisions a major burden.And although, you can never know whether decision you made was “the best”, you can make sure you made the best decision you could at a given time with resources at your disposal.Bearing this in mind, many scientist, psychologists and life coaches engaged in trying to find some “timeless” decision-making rules.What they came up with are different strategies and methods which can help when trying to reach both, small, irrelevant as well as major, life-changing decisions.Take a look at three general rules (alongside a few practical tipps) which may help you deal with decisions of all kinds in a more efficient manner. THREE TIMELESS GENERAL RULES  FOR MAKING TOUGH DECISIONSPeter Bregman (CEO of Bregman Partners) developed three simple rules which can be used for different kinds of decision-making.Let us start with…Rule number one: Development of habits as a way of routinizing ev eryday decision making!The first method is to use habits as a way of reducing routine decision-making in everyday situations.Those decisions like salad vs. burrito…the idea is to deal with them in advance by developing a routine and knowing exactly what you will do.In the concrete example, this routine may look something like this: You know that you are eating salad for lunch every day of the week and by considering this to be absolute, there is no decision to be made.And you may even go further and decide you’ll eat salmon every Tuesday or that you’ll eat burrito every second Saturday.By creating a routine, you are automatically excluding choices and further on, a possibility of decision making. It may sound boring and it may not be everyone’s preferred method but this rule can actually save you a lot of time and unnecessary thinking.And in fact, people tend to do this in their everyday lives without even noticing.You probably have a preferred way to go to work or get home, hence, rarely think about alternative ways to get there, even though, alternatives most probably exist.Or you have a fitness routine and you know that you go to the gym Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.This way you do not even have to think about whether you’ll exercise on these days, you know you will, thus, no deciding necessary.And even if you cannot relate to these particular examples, you will probably agree that they do sound familiar.Little rules and routines make our lives easier and this kind of strategic decision making should in no way be considered boring or rigid. You should rather perceive it as extremely time efficient!Nevertheless, this method mostly applies to predictable situations and/or reoccurring dilemmas.What about those decisions we really cannot or do not see coming?Well, this is where we introduce…Rule number two: Development of rules as a way of routinizing unpredictable decision making!When it comes to unpredictable events and decisions, we can again try to apply the first method and develop “crisis scenarios” or “crisis rules” but such strictly determined rules will not really do the trick.What we can do is develop abstract rules which are in line with are character, beliefs, ethics or our persona in general, hence, develop a kind of a behavioral pattern applicable to a wide range of scenarios.Let me explain this on a couple of examples.We may come up with a very general rule applicable to any unpredictable decision-making, such as: In a situation where I really need to decide, I will tend to go with an alternative which leaves me with more options.Or, when facing a concrete challenging situation and you cannot really decide how to react, you may use the “if…then” scenario.Let’s say you are having a situation at a work place where you are not sure whether and how to react to some (potentially unpleasant) comments made by another colleague.In this situation, you could avoid the complicated decision-making process by simply deciding you will react if this person makes a comment for the third time or start commenting on a specific point.Another example: Imagine you are shopping and are currently torn between buying one single, expensive thing and getting multiple, less expensive things for the price of this one.Well, we’ve all been here… I for one, have a very specific rule which prevents me from spending half of my salary on random things I’ll probably regret buying ten minutes later.I prefer buying expensive but high-quality shoes and jackets but tend to buy cheaper alternatives when it comes to t-shirts and pants.Again, this will probably sound familiar because, one way or another, we all have such or similar rules which help us deal with hundreds of common decisions daily.By developing such behavioral patterns you deal with common decisions automatically without even noticing you made a decision.And this saves you a lot of time and unnecessary distraction.Still, as good as this may sound, we are all aware that not every decision can be decided in a way of these two simple rules.There are obviously more complicated decisions which consume us for days, weeks or months and these cannot be decided by simply saying if…then.“Tough” decisions frequently require diligent thinking and weighing of pros and cons and the problem is that even that sometimes isn’t enough.We’ve all been there and you’ve probably experienced the following scenario already: You did the thinking, you tested your arguments and you know all pros and cons.But still cannot make up your mind… And this is where we turn to the rule number three…Rule number three: Set a clear time frame by important/tough decisions!And this means, set up a timer and meet the decision within this time frame regardless of how difficult this may be.It will still be very tough but being strict here will help you in the long run.Naturally, the time frame should not be ten minutes. Or it may as well be… The important thing is to decide to decide and follow up with this.Otherwise you may dwell in the limbo of your possibilities forever and this will consume a lot of your energy without providing for any actual results. If the decision remains impossible to make after a diligent analysis, consideration of all relevant data and comparison of all pros and cons, there is only one thing left for you to do.Set a timer and make the decision by the time deadline elapses.This literally means, set a particular date or even time and if you haven’t decided by this time already, force yourself to make a decision.And be strict with yourself! Remember, though decisions are the easiest to postpone but this postponing is usually doing you a lot more harm than good. Especially in the business context where procrastination may be actually be fatal and as a matter of fact, this decision-making method has been widely accepted and used by leaderships of big and successful companies.So you definitely shoul dn’t consider it reckless!And the good thing is that it can be used for pretty much every tough decision you may be facing. But why is it then that companies sometimes take months or even years to come up with any decision at all, let alone those which may make or break the company’s profile?The answer is simple. Decisions, and especially business decisions, may need some time and it is important to take that into account when setting a decision time frame.The analysis of a situation, key data but also your feelings is necessary when dealing with tough decisions. It usually takes some time and a tactical approach.And this is where I’ll introduce a few practical advices and tipps which may help you reach a good decision within a given time frame.USEFUL STRATEGIES FOR DECISION MAKING WITHIN A GIVEN TIME FRAMEEllen Hendriksen is a doctor of clinical psychology and in one of her columns, she came up with a couple of advices or questions which may help you throughout decision-makin g process.And these strategies are considered quite helpful as a way to avoid anxiety or dishonesty in situations where one is faced with a difficult decision which must be reached within a concrete time frame.The first question is… How would you advise somebody else in that situation?We are humans and this obviously makes us imperfect and, hence, subjective creatures.We tend to be very strict towards others, giving them a clear-cut solution while on the other hand, we tend to come up with excuses for ourselves and our actions.Ellen’s advice in these cases is to introduce a single judgment scale and let go of your double standards.So basically, ask yourself how you would advise somebody else (preferably a friend) in that situation and then, stick to your own (hypothetical) advice.Concrete example: Let’s say you are currently struggling with a decision whether to break up or stick through and put more effort into your relationship. Ask yourself, if this had been your friend and not you in this situation, what advice you would give to him/her? And when you reply to this question (honestly), try to apply the same advice to your own situation.The second question is… How do you feel about a decision?The power of intuition or gut instinct. How do you feel about something? What is your immediate reaction when thinking about something?And even though we shouldn’t always trust our very first instincts (just remember your last impulsive reaction, those are rarely success stories!), it has been scientifically proven that best decisions are made by combining rational thinking with intuition.Scholars from the University of Leeds presented an interesting theory which states that intuitive decision-making is just a rapid calculation done unconsciously.This calculation bases on past experiences and subtle perceptions in our environment.This concept may, to some extent, explain why we sometimes have these completely unexplainable reactions as if our subconscious is t rying to communicate with us… Regardless of the definition of intuition, Hendriks believes that we should always listen to what our gut instinct is telling us and try to align our decision with that inner voice.Let us simplify this slightly abstract theory with the help of an example: You are currently torn between two choices, e.g. moving abroad or staying home. If the possibility of moving abroad arouses excitement and positive emotions, there may be a good chance that this actually is the right decision for you.In this particular example (as in many other real-life situations), you will most probably feel other emotions as well.You will surely experience slight anxiety, uncertainty and doubt and this is why you should ask yourself which emotion overrules them all.Test yourself with different questions: If I move, how will I feel in a month or year? How would I feel if I decided not to move? Would this decision ultimately arouse positive or negative emotions? Would you be reliev ed and happy to stay at home or miserable that you missed out on an opportunity?And after thorough consulting with yourself and your inner gut, make sure to decide in a way which ultimately makes you as happy as possible. Because that is the whole point, isn’t it?The third question is… What if there was no choice?In my opinion, this is a continuation of the second question… It is simply a helpful method for you to test yourself and your true emotions.Another way for you to check how a possible decision would ultimately make you feel. When torn between two choices, think about how you would feel if you didn’t have an alternative but would have to stick with one or the other.Let us say you are deciding whether to stay at your current job where you aren’t entirely satisfied or quit. What you should do is imagine both possible scenarios as if you had no other options.Imagine that this is the only job you can get and that, at the moment, there are no alternatives for you on the market.How does this make you feel?Are you relieved, frustrated, sad?And now imagine that your company is cutting off the service line you are working in, you are no longer needed and you need to find another job. The decision has been made for you. Be honest. How does this scenario make you feel?By imagining alternative extreme scenarios where you are not actually required to make a choice but are simply faced with a result, you may, in fact, realize how deciding in one way or another will make you feel.Furthermore, I personally find this method to be helpful for another, completely different reason.This kind of radical thinking may help you realize that absolute scenarios are actually very rare.Your decisions are rarely final and they usually only open doors for many other future choices and hence, decisions.This can be a helpful guiding thought when trying to avoid the anxiety of the decision-making because we do tend to forget we usually always have a choice.And I personally fi nd this to be a very comforting though indeed.Practical Tipp: Do your research, list pros and cons (preferably write them down)!Now, this one may seem obvious. The key point is that doing research does not only apply to business-related decisions.Naturally, the research you’ll have to conduct when deciding on the acquisition of another company will be more extensive than the research on hotel options you for your next trip.Still, the main point in both cases is to try to have as many valuable information as possible and to try to take all relevant points into account.Doing this can help you reach decisions faster, more efficient and will help you avoid potentially unpleasant consequences.Ever thought how reading reviews beforehand saved you a lot of trouble and helped you make a good decision? And vice versa. Ever visited a website only after you stayed at a certain hotel and saw two or three comments dealing with the exact problem you had? My point exactly.The second part of this advice would be to write pros and cons and I’m underlining write because having things written really does make a difference.Try pleading for both sides, figure out all relevant pro and con arguments and write them down somewhere.Which side prevails?And if there are clear arguments pro one side what is it that leaves you undecisive?The listing of pros and cons may help you with a thorough investigation of your feelings, wishes and hopes, hence again, help you to reach the “best” decision.And if it so happens that this practical tipp does not help and you are left with two equally long lists of pros and cons, hence, two equally good or bad choices, you need to go back to basics: set a deadline and decide by the time deadline elapses.You made the decision… Now what?Go with it! Align with it and do not look back! And this is the most crucial point of this article.Learn to live with every decision you make and cut the wining, crying, complaining or worrying.And let’s make it clear: this does not mean, put your legs up in the air and let go, especially not in business.You may and will frequently be required to follow up on your decisions, monitor the outcome and potentially adjust it.Yes exactly, you may need to adjust your decisions and make new or different ones. You may even have to get back and decide on the same thing all over again and this still won’t mean you made the wrong decision in the first place.It is important to note that the decision to decide already is a good decision.Sometimes, the right choice may not be obvious and you may even make a mistake.But isn’t a decision to cut the torture of the whole decision process a good move already? And speaking in business terms, it is not rare that you will be required to make a decision based on an incomplete data because not deciding would risk being to slow and facing even major losses.You usually create more playground for yourself in the future by deciding on your own terms and that is why a decision you made consciously usually puts you in the position of power.And even if the decision you made turns out to be imperfect, it is crucial to realize the importance of the alignment with the decision.Even if it turns out you made a mistake, you must remember that this was the best you could do at that given moment and there is nothing you can do about it now.And continuing to worry about the decision which has already been made… That is really no different to not deciding and worrying. It is an unnecessary waste of energy which provides for no actual results (unless you consider stress to be a result).So go ahead… Decide on the movie for tonight, move somewhere else, buy those stocks, redecorate, propose… Whatever you may choose, make sure this is what you really want and then just go along with it… And don’t worry. Either way, you will have to make some thirty-three thousand new decisions tomorrow….

Friday, May 22, 2020

10 Fascinating Animal Facts

Our world is full of animals that are wondrous and amazing! These fascinating creatures have certain adaptations that may seem strange to us, but are necessary for the animal to survive. These adaptations may be defense mechanisms that help the animal to avoid predators or they may aid the animal in obtaining food for themselves. Below are ten fascinating facts about animals that may surprise you. Fascinating Animal Facts 10. Frogs have ear drums on the outside of their heads. While frogs dont have an external ear as humans do, they have an inner ear, middle ear, and an outer ear drum or tympanum. 9. Sea otters always float on their backs when they eat. These marine mammals dine on animals including mussels, sea urchins, clams, and snails, all while floating on their backs. Their extremely dense fur protects them from the cold waters as they eat. 8. Polar bears look white, but they actually have black skin. Unlike other bears, their fur is transparent and reflects visible light. This allows polar bears, which live in the arctic tundra, to blend in with their snow covered environment. 7. Snakes always keep their eyes open, even when they are asleep. Snakes cant close their eyes because they do not have eyelids. They do have eye scales which cover their eyes and shed when the snake sheds its skin. 6. Crickets have ears on their front legs. Located just below the knees, their ears are among the smallest in the animal kingdom. In addition to crickets, grasshoppers and locusts also have ears on their legs. 5. Aardvarks can hear and smell termites and ants. An aardvark uses its long tongue to reach deep into termite and ant mounds. These animals can eat tens of thousands of insects in a single night. 4. Cobras are able to kill with a bite as soon as they are born. Baby cobra venom is just as potent as an adult cobras venom. Their bite is dangerous because cobras can inject large amounts of venom in a single bite. Cobra venom contains a neurotoxin that affects the central nervous system and can lead to paralysis, respiratory system failure, and death. 3. Flamingos have knees that can bend backward. Well actually, what looks like knees are really its ankles and heels. A flamingos knees are located closer to its body and hidden under its feathers. 2. The pistol shrimp catches its prey by surprising it with a loud banging noise made with its claws. The sound is so loud that it stuns or even kills their prey. The sound made by pistol shrimp claws can be as loud as 210 decibels, which is louder than a gunshot. 1. Some species of Australian Flower Spiders eat their mother when food becomes limited. The mother spider sacrifices herself by encouraging her young babies to attack her, dissolve her insides, and feed on her body. Cannibalism is also seen in other spider species and most often observed in relation to sexual encounters. More Fascinating Animal Facts Common Animal Questions and AnswersWhy do zebras have stripes? Why do some tigers have white coats? Find answers to these and other commonly asked questions about animals. Why Some Animals Play DeadWhen faced with danger, some animals go into a catatonic state. They appear to be dead to the world. Discover why some animals play dead. 10 Amazing Bioluminescent OrganismsSome organisms have the ability to glow. The light emitted is due to a chemical reaction. Discover 10 amazing bioluminescent organisms. 7 Animals That Mimic LeavesSome animals camouflage themselves as leaves to avoid predators or catch prey. The next time you pick up a leaf, make sure it is not a leaf impostor. Amazing Animal SensesDiscover some amazing facts about animal senses.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Prevention Of The Anti Vaccination Movement - 1472 Words

Coughs, headaches, aches and pains, fever, or runny noses are all common symptoms. They are symptoms that can lead to anything from the common cold to a deadly viral infection. It is because of this that vaccinations are a fundamental part of society and why doctors and parents alike advocate for hand washing, hydrating, and staying home when you are ill. Disease prevention is a corner stone in today’s society and has been one for around 200 years since; Edward Jenner created and administered the first smallpox inoculation. However, while always controversial the last few centuries have proved to lend unfounded credence to the anti-vaccination movement. Due to the publication of faulty studies along with spiritual and even political beliefs vaccinations have gone from being viewed as a well-respected and endorsed medical procedure to a breeding ground for further infections and possible physical and mental impairments. Vaccination, autism, and bowel disease will be forever linked together due to Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Wakefield published a study in 1998 on twelve patients whom he said proved that vaccinations could cause autism along with gastrointestinal disease. However, in this study he altered and misrepresented all the study participants’ medical histories and in doing so impacted medicine and public health for the foreseeable future (Cohen). Although the study was proven false within a year and Wakefield was stripped of his medical license individuals stillShow MoreRelatedThe Anti Vaccination Movement :1300 Words   |  6 PagesCritical Thinking Problem Solving GEN 1113 19 March 2016 The Anti-Vaccination Movement Step one: The current issue I have selected to discuss is vaccinations. In particular, I will be addressing the anti-vaccination movement that has gained popularity in recent years and the contributing biases that influenced its emergence. One event stands out at as a major contributing factor to the growth of the anti-vaccination movement, the 1998 study by Andrew Wakefield that was published by the EnglishRead MoreVaccine Requirements : Vaccine Requirement Rights1149 Words   |  5 Pagesare easily preventable via vaccination are spreading from child to child. Despite this, parents continue to reject and demean vaccinations and their power to protect the people. There are different reasons as to why parents make decisions to avoid vaccines but one main component that aids them to their final decision in denying vaccines is that it intertwines with their beliefs and fears of the endangerment of their child. Although some people believe that vaccinations are not beneficial and canRead Mor eQuestions On Immunity And Vaccines1462 Words   |  6 Pagescertain diseases or a virus. Vaccines vary from containing the virus and to containing components that connect to the virus. A vaccination is the injection of a killed or weakened organism that provides immunity, and an immunization is the process by which a person or animal becomes protected from a disease (vaccines.gov1). In order to have immunity to certain diseases vaccination must occur. In some cases more than one vaccine is necessary a health care provider may offer a combination of vaccines whichRead MoreNo Needles: Why Vaccination Proponents Persuasive Methods are Counterintuitive1575 Words   |  7 Pagesdespite the improved longevity of our species, many people are still undecided about—or vehemently against—childhood vaccination. They claim that vaccinations are dangerous and responsible for autism and other conditions. Medical experts, however, refute these claims by citing both the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations. In fact, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccines require years of testing before they’re licensed, and even after being licensed, they’re still observedRead MoreVaccination Of The Anti Vaccination Movement1324 Words   |  6 PagesVaccination can be defined as a process which most commonly involves, â€Å"the insertion of a special material, called a vaccine, into a person’s body, usually by means of a sharp needle.† (Chatterjee, 2013). This active form of immunisation prevents approximately 2.5 million deaths every year, and is said to be the most effective weapon ever developed for the prevention of serious infectious diseases (Barnighausen, Bloom, Cafiero-Fonseca O’Brien, 2014; Chatterjee, 2013). The anti-vaccination movementRead MoreVaccinate or Not to Vaccinate939 Words   |  4 Pagesreason why deciding to vaccinate children is so difficult is due to the wide range of myths and side effects that are connected with vaccinations. Myths spread to parents all over the United States that the diseases don’t even exist anymore, rumors of vaccinations weakening a child’s immune system, and the risk of a child becoming autistic due to thimerisol in vaccinations. Side effects also scare parents out of getting their children vaccinated like brain damage, seizures, or allergic reactions, butRead MoreAnti Vaccine Movement Is Making Strong Waves Upon Society1411 Words   |  6 PagesDisease Control and Prevention). Today, the notoriously rampant measles virus is almost unheard of. Measles is one of many diseases that have been prevented, or eradicated by the use of vaccines. Today many of America’s most infamous diseases such as Measles, Hepatitis A, Mumps, and Pertussis have seen a greater than 85% decrease in reported contractions since the pre-vaccine era, and the Smallpox virus has been completely eradicated (Centers for Disease Control and P revention). Despite all of theRead MoreImmunizations Is Better Than A Cure Essay1129 Words   |  5 Pagesstarted in modern times. Prevention is better than a cure. I could not find better words to describe the controversy surrounding the effectiveness and safety of childhood immunizations. The main argument is whether or not laws should be implemented on mandatory vaccination for children and adults. Given that most vaccines are administered for purposes of prevention rather than treatment, vaccines are often given to healthy individuals. There are many requirements for vaccinations to be administered toRead MoreInformative Speech : Vaccinations Should Be Viewed As Essential For Protection Of Society1396 Words   |  6 Pagesthis presentation is to provide facts and scientific research that persuades the audience members regarding the use of vaccinations. My intention is that the audience will support the use of vaccinations and consider the facts before making decisions that af fect the entire community. My central idea is that inaccurate data exists with regards to vaccination; instead, that vaccinations should be viewed as essential for protection of society, both from extreme illness as well as life threatening, andRead MorePrevention And Prevention Of Immunization1113 Words   |  5 Pagesthe Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is referred to as the â€Å"4:3:1:3 series,† which represents the number of dosages of vaccines required to fend off diseases such as mealses, mumps, tetsnus, and many others (â€Å"Immunization†). In recent years there has been a movement mainly empowered by new mothers to forgo some or all vaccinations for their children. The following paragraphs will include an anylsis uncovering what has caused a decrease in vaccinations of children, as well as, exploring

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ashurnasirpal Ii Free Essays

Unit One Assignment: Ashurnasirpal II I have entered into the palace of the great Ashurnasirpal II, and am approaching the throne room to await my meeting with the king. In front of me are two Lamassu figures that guard the entrance, Colossal statue of a winged lion from the North-West Palace of Ashurnasirpal II (Fig. 1). We will write a custom essay sample on Ashurnasirpal Ii or any similar topic only for you Order Now I am immediately in awe of the sheer size of this pair of sculptures, they each stand over ten feet tall, towering over individuals who would like to enter the throne room. The pair is enormous and intimidating as they are approached. When I first advance I see this combination of man, lion, and bird frontally. I notice the proud lion’s chest and huge paws. These elements show the strength of the beast and are representative of the power of Ashurnasirpal II and his empire. The body of the lion is adorned with the face of a man, which signifies the intelligence that the kingdom possesses. The face wears the traditional beard of the king, and the traditional horned crown indicating the divinity of the king. Associating the king and his domain with the all-powerful gods, shows the connection with absolute power of the divine with the total power of the empire (Reade). Making my way around to the profile view of the statue I continue to see the massive body of the lion, and now see the beautiful feathered wing. The intricate details and pattern of the wing are impressive. The wings represent the swiftness of the ruler (Reade). From the side I see all four legs of the lion, the artist uses the idea of most informative viewpoint, to give an accurate view of the most important aspects of the creature from every angle. From the side the lion appears to be striding forward, perhaps symbolizing aggressiveness (Hedin). The proportions of the elements from each animal are not true to scale. The overall size of the piece is much larger than the animals and human depicted. The wings are much larger than that of any bird, the body larger than any lion, and the human head far bigger than any human. What is interesting is the proportion of these elements as they relate to each other. They are of equal importance, the wing is just as large as the body of the lion, and the human head is just as tall as the height of the torso. This shows the equal importance of strength, intellect, and swiftness to the power of the king. This piece focuses on the importance of human and animal anatomy, and shows how advanced artistically this society has become (Atac). There is elaborate attention to detail in the hairs of the beard. This same detailed carving is replicated in the intricate feathers of the wing. The repetition emphasizes the importance of the bearded king figure. Visually I am drawn to the elaborate design in these elements on such a massive statue. The cuneiform shows that this culture is educated and values literacy enough to include it within its art. The engraved writings record ideas about Ashurnasirpal II and are possibly meant to immortalize him within this permanent art piece. As I enter the throne room, I notice an interesting relief located directly behind the throne of Ashurnasirpal II, Stone relief from the throne room of Ashurnasirpal (Fig. 2). This piece is clearly important in depicting elements about the king, because it is so prominently displayed. The throne room is the area of the palace where the king addresses the public and this room would often hold audiences of people who have come to see the king (Cohen). I find it very interesting that Ashurnasirpal II is as tall as the entire relief itself, but the god figure that is shown is much smaller in comparison to each of the king. The Assyrian empire does not require the people that they conquer to convert to their religion, but most certainly require their new subjects to pledge allegiance to Ashurnasirpal II (Mackenzie). Perhaps the larger scale of the king represent which loyalty is more important. The symmetry in this piece is very important. Directly in the middle is situated a date palm tree which is the lifeblood of this culture (Hedin). On either side of the plant Ashurnasirpal II is shown, in fact, each figure appears twice in this relief. This repetition further emphasizes his importance, but also shows a sort of dichotomy and balance in his power. Each figure is shown from most informative view point. Both images of the king, I see his legs in profile, but his upper body is turned to show both shoulders completely and the actions of each arm. On the right side the king is holding a mace, which I recognize as a weapon with a heavy top that could be used to beat enemies. The gestures of each version of Ashurnasirpal II seem extremely important. The figure on the left side is motioning towards the tree, and associating the king with the abundance of the land. As if it is the king who has brought great prosperity to this civilization (Reade). This theme seems to be repeated with the winged protector figures standing behind each representation of Ashurnasirpal II. These figures are ritualistically blessing the king, and reiterating his intense connection with the gods. This relief seems to be stressing that all that is good in the Assyrian empire is because of Ashurnasirpal II himself and that the gods have provided this righteous ruler for the people (Reade). I make my way out the throne room, towards the temple of Ishtar Sharrat-niphi. Here I can see a life sized statue of Ashurnasirpal II, Statue of Ashurnasirpal II (Fig. ). The statue is in the goddess Ishtar’s temple to remind her of the piety of the king. I notice that there are no protruding appendages or any outreaching elements of this statue, but that it is one solid mass of magnesite (Reade). The solid appearance of this portrait symbolizes the secure and stable king and empire. The complex pattern on the beard of the king points out the importance of the beard. The beard clearly symbolizes masculinity, but perhaps it also implies wisdom and power. The size of the beard on this statue is very large in comparison to the rest of the face. It is geometric and structured, but with beautiful ornate detailing. Ashurnasirpal II is shown with the sickle in his right hand, and with the mace in his left hand. The arms are not symmetrical in form, but the rest of the statue’s shape is. The sickle is the weapon that in mythology, the gods used to fight monsters. The mace is shown again, similarly to the depiction of him in the relief, as a weapon that represents authority. Both objects have divine association, which echoes the god like authority that Ashurnasirpal II has over the empire. I find it interesting that he is lifting his arm that holds the mace, perhaps as though he is about to actively us this weapon. Again I see cuneiform used in the art of this culture. Across the chest of the statue of the king, there are etchings that announce the accomplishments of the king as well as his genealogy (Reade). Included in these writings are the recent invasions of surrounding villages. This is clearly just another way to intimidate and boast about not only the power of the Assyrian empire, but the power of Ashurnasirpal II himself. All of the statues and reliefs that I have observed throughout the royal palace seem to reaffirm the importance and power of Ashurnasirpal II. Many of these works were created â€Å"by the initiate for the initiate† (Atac). The content was intended for the audience who would see it in its original form, all of the pieced mentioned have a similar purple. It would be very difficult to not understand the message that the king is sending with all of the decoration. That the king is of divine power and possess the greatest influence over all of the land of Assyria. How to cite Ashurnasirpal Ii, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Unitopia Essays - Medieval Art, Unicorn, Unitopia, The Unicorns

Unitopia Isle is an enchanted piece of property, although one would not usually refer to it as property. No human actually has discovered Unitopia and to great prevail it remained pollution, toxin, and litter free. The inhabitants of the land were mystical unicorns that lead fulfilled lives and all had a purpose in their secret society. The land of Unitopia was blessed with fields and flowing meadows. The meadows were glorious for soaking in the toasty rays of the sun, and were rarely ever humid. The fields served as a place for grazing. Unicorns of Unitopia satisfy their appetite with grains for knowledge, corn for strength, and strawberries for energy. Those are the three main courses that the blessed ponies consume regularly. In the heart of Unitopia there is a miniature rainforest, not miniature as in area but lacking in height. The canopy of the usually towering trees reached a maximum height of seven feet here, making it very convenient for the unicorns to reach the exotic fruits bearing on the trees healthy limbs. This served as soul food and was a delicacy. Unicorns were very odd compared to other creatures. They remained extremely family oriented their whole lives. It was easy to tell when families of unicorns were on a stroll through the meadow or wading in the cool Brooke. The sole lonely horn that rests on the top of each forehead of the horse is identical in color to their immediate family. Extended family usually has the same color just different shades. It is said to be this way because at one time, unicorns started off with a rainbow of colors, as the generations went on and genetics were passed on, the colors of the horns would slightly mutate and create a new version of colors. There were four main families that every unicorn knows; celebrities are what theyd be considered in our society. There was the Cordova family who had horns of the color gold Cinnamon Cordova is the mother and her two childrens names are Candy Cordova and Cole Cordova. The Cordovas were role models for almost everyone in Unitopia. Cole and Candy were always well behaved and attended their survival classes always perfecting the hardest tasks available. Cinnamon is the local beautician; she owned a small hut called Mane and Tails, which was the main groomer for the unicorns. Cinnamon kept almost all of the locals fur in proper order. The next ranked up family is the Fitzpatricks with a horn the color of silver. The Fitzpatricks are made up of three ponies. The fathers name is Ferdinand, his job is to ram into some of the toughest trees in the land to free exotic fruit from the rain forest. Ferdinand was the most masculine unicorn in Unitopia and was always favored by all of the younger female ponies, but he always remained faithful to his family. Ferdinands mates name was Flower; she boasts a long mane that is always shiny and healthy. Flower was always very tender and kind hearted, on most occasions shed look over Cinnamons children seeing Cinnamon had no option but to work. Flowers best friend is Cinnamon Cordova, they had both had given birth in the same field in the spring, during the same week. Their children grew up together and always had a sister like relationship seeing that Flower only has had one little hoofling her whole life. Frost Ferdinand is the baby of the family, and has grown up with Candy for almost everyday of her life. Frost is a rebellious pony and loves to discover and create anything she can. The third ranked down family was the Sampsons with horns the shade of fair cotton candy pink. There are only two unicorns in this family, a father and child. Sam Sampson is the father; he nurtures and provides everything he can to his young. His daughters name is sandy who has always been very shy. Sandys mother died upon giving birth to her child. Sandy was a very lovable pony; she minded her matters and helped out when ever possible. Sam always took such good care of her because he always just wanted a family, and that was his mates last